NG-ZORRO Roadmap
wzhudev opened this issue · 12 comments
Road Map
Please check these milestones for details
We would like to hear any suggestions from the community. Welcome to join in this discussion. ☕️ Just comment in these issues above.
Team ng-zorro-antd with ❤️
Note: suggestions accepted and implemented would be folded.
建议把配置优化也当成核心,大部分情况下使用 ng-zorro-antd 的时候会统一一种风格,例如统一的 nzSize
<button nz-button nzSize="large"></button>
export function NzButtonConfig(): NzButtonConfig {
return Object.assign(new NzButtonConfig (), <NzButtonConfig >{
nzSize: 'large'
providers: [
{ provide: NzButtonConfig, useFactory: fnNzButtonConfig() }
个人觉得和 Angular 版本对齐意义不大,官方那两个库也只能做到大版本对齐。
Would you have a plan for applying virtual scroll of cdk to select-box, auto-complete, fixed size table with support angular 7.0?
@jeffrey-igaw Yes we have a plan for that.
@wendzhue YESS!! This is good to us! Thank you for hard work!
Is Angular 7 support targeted for the 1.8 release? (Or 7.0 release of you align with their versioning)
Please, angular support and update less
Currently, I have the following behavior: 1.7.1 & 1.8.0 do not work with Angular 7 (page just loads infinitely), whereas 1.6.0 works just fine. What should I do in order to fix this?
@Svetomechc Angular 7.0 has not been fully tested, you can checkout to the next
branch and release your own package if you can't wait any longer.
will roadmap update?
why there is a support for RTL language ?