
Angular 17 support

maratkalibek opened this issue · 19 comments

What problem does this feature solve?

In November 2023 Angular 17 will be released. What ETA for ng-zorro-antd support for Angular 17?
Thanks for supporting this project.

What does the proposed API look like?

Support of angular 17

Every new angular version is in beta for the first 3 months, and then will be tagged LTS after that.
Normally libraries wait for the new version to be LTS and then release a version for it.
Same happed with the angular 16, so if they stick to their routine, expect ng-zorro to release it's 17 version in mid February.

Hello @maratkalibek. We totally like your proposal/feedback, welcome to send us a Pull Request for it. Please fill the Pull Request Template here, provide documentation/test cases if needed and make sure CI passed, we will review it soon. Appreciate it advance and we are looking forward to your contribution!

你好 @maratkalibek, 我们完全同意你的提议/反馈,欢迎直接在此仓库 创建一个 Pull Request 来解决这个问题。请务必填写 Pull Request 内的预设模板,提供改动所需相应的测试用例、文档等,并确保 CI 通过,我们会尽快进行 Review,提前感谢和期待您的贡献!

plz support

This is the only library that makes us wait 3 months after a release before we can use the latest Angular version. What can be done so that this is more seamless and is ready at launch of Angular 17?

I'm fine with a three-month delay.
In prod env, stability first.
Hope this library can continue to be updated for a long time.

17.0.0-beta.0 is now available, you can try it first if you are interested. The17.0.0 version is expected to be released next week.
PR related: #8151

Thank you for supporting this library!

17.0.0-beta.0 is now available, you can try it first if you are interested. The17.0.0 version is expected to be released next week. PR related: #8151

after using this version of ng zorro, I encounter many issue regarding hydration and still not work when using new control flow @for

17.0.0-beta.0 is now available, you can try it first if you are interested. The17.0.0 version is expected to be released next week. PR related: #8151

after using this version of ng zorro, I encounter many issue regarding hydration and still not work when using new control flow @for

Can you provide a minimum viewing example?

Thanks a lot for releasing version with Angular 17 support!

17.0.0-beta.0 is now available, you can try it first if you are interested. The17.0.0 version is expected to be released next week. PR related: #8151

after using this version of ng zorro, I encounter many issue regarding hydration and still not work when using new control flow @for

Can you provide a minimum viewing example?

I think you can create new issue for this problem.

qyjs commented

ng-17-antd@0.0.0 build D:\WEB\Angular\ng-17-antd

ng build

⠇ Building...▲ [WARNING] Deprecated inline execution of JavaScript has been enabled ("javascriptEnabled") [plugin angular-less]

  110 │ .bezierEasingMixin();
      ╵ ^

JavaScript found within less stylesheets may be executed at build time. []
Support for "javascriptEnabled" may be removed from the Angular CLI starting with Angular v19.
The plugin "angular-less" was triggered by this import

  1 │ @import 'src/theme.less';
    ╵         ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

@simplejason After upgrading to ng17, using less packaging to report errors

17.0.0-beta.0 is now available, you can try it first if you are interested. The17.0.0 version is expected to be released next week. PR related: #8151

after using this version of ng zorro, I encounter many issue regarding hydration and still not work when using new control flow @for

sorry, I type @for wrong.
here I created an issue for tooltip #8181