

Easyzhou opened this issue · 2 comments

Reproduction link

Steps to reproduce


What is expected?


What is actually happening?


Environment Info
ng-zorro-antd 13.2.2
Browser 所有浏览器

Translation of this issue:

TREE component should add a optional attribute, so that the clicks of the tree node are associated with the CHANGE event of Checkbox


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STEPS To Reproduce

Click on the node of the tree component, you cannot synchronize the checkbox component of the node

What is exfected?

When you click on the tree node, select the Checkbox control of the component. You should add an optional attribute to associate this operation. Otherwise, it cannot meet the user.

What is actually happy?

Click on the node of the tree component, you cannot synchronize the checkbox component of the node

| --- | --- | |
| NG-Zorro-ATD | 13.2.2 |
| Browser | All browsers |

I hope this message finds you well @vthinkxie

A node can have two different states: selected and checked. However, not every selected node should be checked, so the checkbox should remain unchecked. This is consistent with the behavior of Ant design's Tree component, which we are using as a reference. I agree that it would be convenient to have the option to check the node's checkbox by clicking on the node, but unfortunately, we cannot implement a feature that is not supported by the original source.