
Autocomplete -> nz-auto-optgroup -> dont work with new angular control flow (@for)

Opened this issue · 4 comments

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Steps to reproduce

Listing nz-autocomplete elements does not work if we use the new control-flow from Angular (i.e. @for syntax) and group options using nz-auto-optgroup tag. The old syntax works without problems (i.e. *ngFor)

What is expected?

New sytax will work.

What is actually happening?

New syntax dont work.

Environment Info
ng-zorro-antd 17.1.0
Browser Chrome 121.0.6167.185

Hi @Lavos96 ,
Your stackblitz link is broken; can you provide another one?

@Lavos96 after investigating a little bit, it seems it's not a problem with Ng Zorro itself

Here is your code with the older way

							  *ngFor="let option of groups.groups"
								{{ }}

if you want to migrate to new code flow syntax you should migrate like this

@for (option of groups.groups; track {
								{{ }}

if you do that you exemple work as expected

@Nicoss54 after long investigation, it turned out that angularCompilerOptions -> preserveWhitespaces: true option in tsconfig.json is responsible for that. I was unable to reproduce that in stackblitz. There is an reported issue in angular repo for that: angular/angular#54077