
Docs issue: sometimes changing components not work

Closed this issue · 1 comments

Reproduction link

Steps to reproduce

way 1:

  1. enter the doc site
  2. change components, repeat as more as possible


  1. visit
  2. reload the window

What is expected?

Nothing wrong

What is actually happening?

  1. error in console
chunk-NOKK6CHT.js:7 ERROR TypeError: t.hasAttribute is not a function
    at u7 (chunk-NOKK6CHT.js:7:28447)
    at FC (chunk-NOKK6CHT.js:7:48131)
    at RC (chunk-NOKK6CHT.js:7:48094)
    at NC (chunk-NOKK6CHT.js:7:48071)
    at Mo.create (chunk-NOKK6CHT.js:7:70206)
    at bf.createComponent (chunk-NOKK6CHT.js:7:73895)
    at new e (chunk-NOKK6CHT.js:13:247232)
    at e.ɵfac [as factory] (chunk-NOKK6CHT.js:13:247459)
    at fr (chunk-NOKK6CHT.js:7:23904)
    at WC (chunk-NOKK6CHT.js:7:51361)
  1. failed to navigate to new component page and something wrong in the page:


Environment Info
ng-zorro-antd 17.4.0
Browser Chrome latest