
Unofficial Google Map client for Universal Windows Platform

Primary LanguageC#

Project moved

# New Project is here

Unofficial Google Map client for Universal Windows Platform

Telegram Messenger Insiders Group

GMaps Class Library

SDK NuGet package

What is supported in project till now

-Show and Download Google Maps Tiles in UWP map control

-Offline map download (+Backup/Restore)

-Find directions and navigation

-Voice Navigation

-GeoCoding (Converting latitude and longitude to address)

-Reverse GeoCoding (Converting Address to latitude and longitude)

-Search (Nearby / Text / Place Auto Complete)

-Place Helper

-Save Favorite places (+Sync between devices)

-Cortana Integration






Building Solution

Right click on the solution file in Visual Studio solution explorer and add a new Class called AppCore.cs

write this code in the class and save it .

public class AppCore
    public static string OnMapLanguage { get; set; }
    public static string GoogleMapRequestsLanguage { get; set; }
    public static string GoogleMapAPIKey { get; private set; }
    public static string HttpUserAgent { get; private set; }
    static AppCore()
        HttpUserAgent = "WindowsUniversalGoogleMapsV2ALPHA";
        GoogleMapAPIKey = "Your GoogleMap API Key";
        GoogleMapRequestsLanguage = LanguageSettingsSetters.GetAPILanguage();
        OnMapLanguage = LanguageSettingsSetters.GetOnMapLanguage();