
A simple JSON parser in Rust. Practice purpose.

Primary LanguageRust


A simple JSON parser in Rust, together with utilities, like a macro that implements JSON literal.



    extern crate json;

    use json::JSON;

    // construct JSON object directly.
    let json_obj = json_object!(
        {name: "Element", items: [1, 2, 3, false, true, {something: null}]}

    // JSON string
    let json_str = stringify!(
        {"name": "Element", "items": [1, 2, 3, false, true, {"something": null}]}
    match json_str.parse::<JSON>(){     // parse string to json object
        Ok(parsed) => assert_eq!(parsed, json_obj),
        Err(msg) => panic!("{}:\n{}", msg, json_str)


Use cargo doc to generate the documents.

implementation Details

The original character stream is preprocessed by "tokenize"

                   input              output                  
character stream --------> tokenize ---------> token stream
                   output              input        |
   JSON Tree     <--------  parse   <---------------+

Tokeinization and parsing are based on finite state machine, with states represented by enum.

              |                                            |
              |                                            v
char input  --+-->  internal state of tokenizer ---->  token output

token input  -------------->  internal state of parser

After all characters are processed, we check the internal state of the parser. If it is in an expected state, then we unwrap it to get the result, else make an error message.

Testing Details

The two-phase processing is performed with pipelining, without storage of internal results. i.e. in tokenizing phase, whenever a new token is generated, it is passed to the parsing phase, without constructing Vec<JSONToken>.

However, to test the correctness of the tokenizing, Vec<JSONToken> should be constructed and compared with the correct answer. This is organized by the TokenConsumer trait. While tokenizing, whenever a new token is generated, it is passed to TokenConsumer::consume. This trait is implemented by both the parser object and Vec<JSONToken> with push.


Comprehensible Errors

It does check the syntax and will return error if it finds something wrong. But the error object contains nonthing but an error message, and the message is not so comprehensible.

More Generic

std::collcetion::HashMap<String, JSON> is used to represent key-value pairs without preserving the order. Replacing the definition of json_object::JSONObject with an ordered map will fix this.

On the other hand, a number value of JSON is represented by either i64, u64 or f64. If encountering a big integer that overflows with u64, it will be represented by f64, with precision loss. Replacing number::Number with a big integer implementation will fix this.

Unfortunately, type adaptors are not yet implemented. Even the data type representing numbers and strings are not customizable.

Stable Rust

Stable version of Rust is used, therefore even basic traits like TryFrom and TryInto are defined by myself. These will be removed once standard library is stabilized.





The parsing result is compared with JavaScript
