This repo is a shorter documentation of 3D DeepLabCut
docker pull deeplabcut/deeplabcut:2.3.5-base-cuda11.7.1-cudnn8-runtime-ubuntu20.04-latest
Enter the container:
Correct the version of numpy
, otherwise it messes up with a library at triangulate
pip install numpy=1.22
Enter the python environment in the container:
import deeplabcut
deeplabcut.calibrate_cameras("/host/analysis_cam2_cam3/config.yaml", cbrow=3, cbcol=6, calibrate=False, alpha=0.5)
Then rerun with
deeplabcut.calibrate_cameras("/host/analysis_cam2_cam3/config.yaml", cbrow=3, cbcol=6, calibrate=True, alpha=0.5)
deeplabcut.check_undistortion("/host/analysis_cam2_cam3/config.yaml", cbrow=3, cbcol=6)
UnboundLocalError: local variable 'putativecam2name' referenced before assignment
IF your videos do not have a suffix or prefix.
So far we have been working with the names camera-01
and camera-04
because we calibrate the CAMERAS and not the VIDEOS.
first predicts the pose in the videos (hence why we need a suffix or prefix). And then create triangulation files for each pair of videos.
deeplabcut.triangulate("/host/analysis_cam2_cam3/config.yaml", "/host/analysis_cam1_cam4/videos/", filterpredictions=True, gputouse=1,save_as_csv=True)
It's also possible to feed in specific videos we want to analyze instead of the single path.
deeplabcut.create_labeled_video_3d("/host/analysis_cam1_cam4/config.yaml", ["/host/analysis_cam1_cam4/videos"], start=4800, end=5300, videotype=".avi", xlim=(0,10), ylim=(-30,-10), zlim=(10,30))