location environment characteristic

Opened this issue · 2 comments

Create table which links waterbodies to environmental characteristics.

View intended to be updated upon need. However, variables immediately needed. Priority in square brackets []:

  • Linear distance to closest fish population of the focal species at the time of introduction (time of observation [1]
  • fish species observed upstream (contained within catchment, excluded those from the focal lake)
    • INPUT: lake, species, year
    • OUTPUT: true/false (0/1) if the species was present upstream the given lake (excluding the given lake) in the given year
      • shall we use this iGraph Rscript or pgRouting
  • linear distance to road / infrastructure from lake shoreline (covariate) [1]
    • is already computed in the sandbox
    • only roads within 1km of the lake are taken into account (due to the processing time)
    • but treshold should be infinte if possible (better for modelling)
    • can be computed in NOFA once its upgraded to the latest PostGIS
    • TODO make osm-dataset accessible to all
  • lake perimeter [1] ( lake area, perimeter and a set of other geometry metrics are currently computed on N16)
  • altitude [1]
  • catchment size [1] (see "catchments.lake_catchments" linked by ebint)
  • Bioclim variabels ( [1]
  • lake size (area) [1]
  • slope of the DEM in a buffer around the lake as proxy for littoral area / depth (50m, 100m and 250m buffer) [2] @ninsbl
  • selected catchment properties (landcover and NDVI - already defined in the table catchments.lake_catchments) [2]
  • population density (buffer in 1km,10km,25km) [2]
  • population density in catchment [2]
  • extrapolations (climate forecasts for selected bioclim variables) [2]
  • «inngrepsfrie naturområder» (factor)? [3]


  • creating triggers that automatically computes the attributes ones a lake changes ...
  • comment each attribute column in NOFA

for finding the closest population at at time we need something like this for each lake, right?


Buffers are created and population grids imported. Next steps are Intersection of buffers / catchments and population.
Will import Landcover map too.