
Error in absolute units on SpecAn AcpOffsetResults?

mdwhitten opened this issue · 0 comments

The SpecAn AcpOffsetResults have the following for upper/lower absolute powers:

        public struct AcpOffsetResults
            public double LowerAbsolutePower_dBm;
            public double LowerRelativePower_dB;
            public double UpperAbsolutePower_dBm;
            public double UpperRelativePower_dB;

However, RFmx lists the property for LabVIEW as: ACP:Results:Lower Offset:Absolute Power (dBm or dBm/Hz). The unit is probably controlled by the ACP Power Units. Hence, should the two absolute powers have units of dBm_or_dBmHz like all of the other absolute power units in the ACP results?