
Task 2.11a: Accept detailed data for small wastewater sites

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TEOTIL3 has been modified to generate site-specific estimates for small wastewater sites using the methodology developed by SSB, but so far it has not been possible to gather the necessary input data to perform these calculations. Gathering the data is the responsibility of Miljødirektoratet, but it seems the data are not available in a format compatible with the existing TEOTIL3 workflow (which is based on the methodology developed by SSB).

Torstein has suggested that we could consider a different approach: Miljødirektoratet has access to Matrikkeldatabasen (the land register/cadastral database) which includes some building-specific information at national scale. Unfortunately, this database does not include either the site type (renseprinsipp) or the number of people connected, which are core pieces of information required to reproduce SSB's workflow. We would therefore need a different (and likely simpler and inferior) approach to estimate nutrient losses for site-specific data.

I would like output from TEOTIL to be compatible with the official national statistics published by SSB, if possible. I am therefore reluctant to switch to an entirely different method for just the small wastewater sites - especially as it would likely require a less robust methodology for calculating nutrient losses.

Progress on this Task will depend on whether Miljødirektoratet are able to gather more detailed data at site-specific level than has been possible so far.