A software for extracting text from scanned images of printed text documents
- 4
Upgrade to PyQt5
#35 opened - 1
- 2
Add a menu bar in tkinter gui
#32 opened - 0
Edit or add code to text2speech.py file
#28 opened - 0
Link 'Play text' button in tkinter gui
#26 opened - 1
Add extract function to the tkinter gui
#24 opened - 1
Add mathematics symbols to the dataset
#22 opened - 0
- 2
Make the GUI using Tkinter.
#19 opened - 0
Add requirements-linux.txt
#15 opened - 0
- 0
Change the color of menu items.
#10 opened - 2
- 0
link play text button
#8 opened - 0
Add user guide under Help option
#7 opened - 0
- 0
Increase the data set.
#5 opened - 1
Write a guide
#4 opened - 0
Pop up after the audio is processed.
#3 opened - 0
- 0
#1 opened