
issue about building nemu in WSL of ubuntu20.04 instance

Le0shy opened this issue · 2 comments

try to setup NEMU in WSL of ubuntu20.04 instance

~/ics2021/nemu$ make

prompts for building information are below

System has not been booted with systemd as init system (PID 1).
Can't operate.Failed to create bus connection: Host is down

which is a quite typical problem that WSL doesn't use Systemd and systemctl command instead of Sysvinit command. Is there any way to fix this issue without installing other third-party tools for systemctl in WSL?

If you are not taking the ICS course in NJU, you can disable the git tracing in Makefile. Please refer to the lecture note for details.

Also, this issue is related to WSL. So maybe it is better to ask in the WSL community.