
'beta' viewer for use during the scrum session

Closed this issue · 4 comments

For testing and developing the registration and segmentation algorithms, we need to visually check their performance. For this a simple visualization program would be very useful.

We can currently deliver a win64 solution, but for a Linux solution, we need NLeSC/PattyData#6 to be resolved.

Is a win64 solution acceptable for now?

As a work around, would pcd_viewer be a possible linux based solution? It is extremely basic, but for the scrum session maybe it could work.

Extra: Usage examples here

To be specific, the PotreeConverter needed to make the pointcloud in the octree format needed for Potree is win64, so while the viewer is web-based, the conversion of new pointclouds to be used in this viewer is platform-specific.

I've already tried to add visualisation to python-pcl so you could interactively view things inside an IPython session, but the PCL vis library has all kinds of linking problems (VTK...).