
Adding the research software encyclopedia

Opened this issue · 2 comments

vsoch commented

heyo! I'd like to add the RSEPedia, but I'm not sure what category it should go in. I'm from USRSE but it was created with collaborators from other countries, and it's not limited to a particular organization or domain. Let me know your thoughts!

Hi Vanessa:
The Generic category could be an option, but how does RSEPedia rate on the "Contribute" traits: ? I'd like to adhere to at least some of those properties, this being a curated list and all :)

vsoch commented

Here are comments on each

The registry includes metadata about each software package (check the link using Google's structured data testing tool).

yes, each entry has metadata from GitHub along with annotations and DOI

The registry includes links to a copy of the software, e.g. on GitHub, or Bitbucket.


The registry includes a human-readable description of what each software does. Having just the name of software is not sufficient, as this is not helping visitors judge if the software will help them solve their problem.

Yes, the descriptions from GitHub serve this purpose.

The registry includes contextual information about the software, e.g. papers, blogs, presentations, posters, or videos associated with it.

Nope, this is one that seems specific to

The registry contains more than just a handful of software packages.

Yep we have hundreds.