
NS Records below delegation are not ignored (nsd-checkzone also does not raise any issue)

SivaKesava1 opened this issue · 1 comments


When a zone file has NS records below a delegation, NSD returns those NS records instead of using the earlier zone cut records.

Consider the following sample zone file: 500 SOA 3 86400 7200 604800 300 500 NS 500 NS 500 NS

For the query, <, A>, NSD returns the ns3 record, whereas others like Bind return ns2.
NSD works well in all other cases, like ignoring other types (say A record) of records below delegation and also not returning a glue record by returning the zone cut NS record. This is the only case I found where NSD behaves differently.

RFC 2181 clarifies that no data below the zone cut may appear at the parental side. Since this is the only case, I am guessing NSD chose this response to reduce RTT (?), but it would be helpful if nsd-checkzone gave a warning. I am raising an issue to know why this case is only handled specially.

Thanks for the report! Fixed this by having the delegation point lookup function use the highest delegation point, instead of the lowest delegation point, in case where the zone has more than one for the query.