
Periodicity screen

PierreBresson opened this issue · 5 comments

  • create screen
  • display ClickableTags components see #324
  • return user input values to Add Emission screen when user press confirm / or store input values in redux


I can work on this :)
just tell me from where the user can reach this screen (which I should create) :)

@BatDroid thanks, I've assigned you :)
The user can reach that screen from Add emission screen when clicking on Non-recurring (see #254) and it should open as a modal - that's why there is cross button to close it)

@PierreBresson (I'll make this screen till you reply anyway) If I'm getting it correctly I suppose #254 needs to be done first. I mean, It seems in #254 the button which leads the user to the Periodicity screen happens. right?
If yes then I suppose it's better that I work on both of them.

Not really, #254 is just the listing of all the issues needed to complete the feature periodicity. Some work was done in #329 but it needs to be refactored into a component.
Yes, clicking on Non-recurring in #254 is opening this periodicity screen

@PierreBresson I see, Then feel free to assign #315 & #321 to me as well.