
Fancy Home

alecandido opened this issue · 0 comments


  • improve current content too make meaningful and effective (but essentially not the structure)


  • add some fancy background (like particles
  • maybe other fancy elements (reference to N3PDF website, authors, ...)


  • it should already contain all the links to components (what currently is inside the sphinx docs)
    • but as fancy buttons, possibly with logos (maybe grey-scale to make them uniform)
  • an idea is to replicate the usual diagram, but making it
    1. consistent with the appearance of the rest of the website
    2. more dynamic (also basic things like highlighting on hover)
    3. navigable through page scroll (like a fixed page, but when you scroll the title goes down/away, and then you zoom all the elements and follow the flow)
  • smooth transition to the rest of the docs