string length errors from SPEAR runs

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SPEAR errors have been reported due to a string length being exceeded in the code below:

CHARACTER(len=256) :: executable_name, arg, fredb_id
#ifdef FREDB_ID
#define xstr(s) str(s)
#define str(s) #s
fredb_id = xstr(FREDB_ID)
#warning "FREDB_ID not defined. Continuing as normal."
fredb_id = 'FREDB_ID was not defined (e.g. -DFREDB_ID=...) during preprocessing'
arg_count = command_argument_count()
DO i=0, arg_count
CALL get_command_argument(i, arg, status=status)
if (status .ne. 0) then
write (error_unit,*) 'get_command_argument failed: status = ', status, ' arg = ', i
stop 1
end if
if (i .eq. 0) then
executable_name = arg
else if (arg == '--fredb_id') then
write (output_unit,*) TRIM(fredb_id)
end if
if (arg_count .ge. 1) then
write (error_unit,*) 'Usage: '//TRIM(executable_name)//' [--fredb_id]'
stop 1
end if

This code related to the fredb is unused and can be removed.

fixed by #137