
Vertical remapping on restart distorts phis field

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Describe the bug
When we restart a simulation with a different vertical grid, the phis field becomes distorted, copying the same section of the field over the whole tile according to the number of processors per tile (picture attached).
Screen Shot 2022-07-19 at 2 03 45 PM

This happens when both going up or down in vertical resolution. Normal restarts do not experience this problem. This was confirmed to behave the same in the main branch, commit [29396d3], and FMS tag 2022.02

To Reproduce
Warm start a simulation with a different NPZ.

Expected behavior
We expect the phis field to be initialized correctly, copying what was in the file.

System Environment
Describe the system environment, include:

  • OS: Operating System: Red Hat Enterprise Linux Server 7.9 (Maipo)
    CPE OS Name: cpe:/o:redhat:enterprise_linux:7.9:GA:server
    Kernel: Linux 3.10.0-1160.66.1.1chaos.ch6.x86_64
    Architecture: x86-64
  • Compiler(s): ifort version
  • MPI type, and version (e.g. MPICH, Cray MPI, openMPI): mpi-hpe/mpt.2.25
  • netCDF Version:
  • Configure options: -DSPMD -Duse_libMPI -Duse_netCDF -DINTERNAL_FILE_NML -DCUBE_CORE -fpp -Wp,-w -fno-alias -ftz -assume byterecl -i4 -r8 -nowarn -O2 -fp-model precise -qoverride-limits -c -qopenmp -traceback -xSSE4.2

Additional context
It seems like an issue in the read_data call for phis in remap_restart in fv_io.F90. When we moved the phis field to fv_srf_wnd.res which uses read_restart instead, we did not see this problem.