
Use of uninitialized values in `fv_mapz_mod.cs_profile` when `iv == -3`

Closed this issue · 5 comments

Describe the bug

Debugging the source of non-reproducibility for a configuration of SHiELD turned up the use of uninitialized values in a local array in the cs_profile subroutine of the fv_mapz module. The issue occurs only when iv == -3, which corresponds to one of two possible modes for use when remapping the vertical velocity, the other being iv == -2. I have verified this with additional means, but the issue can be identified by inspecting the lines of code clipped below, considering the case when iv == -3:

real gam(i1:i2,km)
real q(i1:i2,km+1) ! interface values
real d4(i1:i2)
real bet, a_bot, grat
real pmp_1, lac_1, pmp_2, lac_2, x0, x1
integer i, k, im
if ( iv .eq. -2 ) then
do i=i1,i2
gam(i,2) = 0.5
q(i,1) = 1.5*a4(1,i,1)
do k=2,km-1
do i=i1, i2
grat = delp(i,k-1) / delp(i,k)
bet = 2. + grat + grat - gam(i,k)
q(i,k) = (3.*(a4(1,i,k-1)+a4(1,i,k)) - q(i,k-1))/bet
gam(i,k+1) = grat / bet
do i=i1,i2
grat = delp(i,km-1) / delp(i,km)
q(i,km) = (3.*(a4(1,i,km-1)+a4(1,i,km)) - grat*qs(i) - q(i,km-1)) / &
(2. + grat + grat - gam(i,km))
q(i,km+1) = qs(i)
do k=km-1,1,-1
do i=i1,i2
q(i,k) = q(i,k) - gam(i,k+1)*q(i,k+1)
else ! all others
do i=i1,i2
grat = delp(i,2) / delp(i,1) ! grid ratio
bet = grat*(grat+0.5)
q(i,1) = ( (grat+grat)*(grat+1.)*a4(1,i,1) + a4(1,i,2) ) / bet
gam(i,1) = ( 1. + grat*(grat+1.5) ) / bet
if (iv.eq.-3) then !LBC for vertical velocities
do k=2,km-1
do i=i1,i2
d4(i) = delp(i,k-1) / delp(i,k)
bet = 2. + d4(i) + d4(i) - gam(i,k-1)
q(i,k) = ( 3.*(a4(1,i,k-1)+d4(i)*a4(1,i,k)) - q(i,k-1) )/bet
gam(i,k) = d4(i) / bet
do i=i1,i2
! a_bot = 1. + d4(i)*(d4(i)+1.5)
!q(i,km+1) = (2.*d4(i)*(d4(i)+1.)*a4(1,i,km)+a4(1,i,km-1)-a_bot*q(i,km)) &
! / ( d4(i)*(d4(i)+0.5) - a_bot*gam(i,km) )
d4(i) = delp(i,km-1) / delp(i,km)
bet = 2. + d4(i) + d4(i) - gam(i,km-1)
grat = delp(i,km-1) / delp(i,km)
q(i,km) = ( 3.*(a4(1,i,k-1)+d4(i)*a4(1,i,k)) - grat*qs(i) - q(i,k-1) )/bet
q(i,km+1) = qs(i)
else ! all others
do k=2,km
do i=i1,i2
d4(i) = delp(i,k-1) / delp(i,k)
bet = 2. + d4(i) + d4(i) - gam(i,k-1)
q(i,k) = ( 3.*(a4(1,i,k-1)+d4(i)*a4(1,i,k)) - q(i,k-1) )/bet
gam(i,k) = d4(i) / bet
do i=i1,i2
a_bot = 1. + d4(i)*(d4(i)+1.5)
q(i,km+1) = (2.*d4(i)*(d4(i)+1.)*a4(1,i,km)+a4(1,i,km-1)-a_bot*q(i,km)) &
/ ( d4(i)*(d4(i)+0.5) - a_bot*gam(i,km) )
do k=km,1,-1
do i=i1,i2
q(i,k) = q(i,k) - gam(i,k)*q(i,k+1)

The issue specifically stems from the local gam array, which is declared in line 1988 without any initial assignment. When iv == -3 it gets values for level 1 in line 2025 and levels 2 through km - 1 (inclusive) in line 2034, but is not assigned values for level km prior to being used in line 2068. This leads to undefined / non-reproducible behavior at runtime.

To Reproduce

Run SHiELD in non-hydrostatic mode with fv_core_nml.kord_wz less than zero and abs(fv_core_nml.kord_wz) > 7, e.g. fv_core_nml.kord_wz = -9. This tells the model to use iv == -3 and cs_profile when remapping the vertical velocity:

!3) Map W and density; recompute delz; limit w if needed
if ( .not. hydrostatic ) then
! Remap vertical wind:
if (kord_wz < 0) then
call map1_ppm (km, pe1, w, ws(is,j), &
km, pe2, w, &
is, ie, j, isd, ied, jsd, jed, &
-3, abs(kord_wz))
call map1_ppm (km, pe1, w, ws(is,j), &
km, pe2, w, &
is, ie, j, isd, ied, jsd, jed, &
-2, abs(kord_wz))

Expected behavior

I would expect values to be defined for gam(:,km) when iv == -3 prior to it being used in line 2068.

System Environment

Describe the system environment, include:

  • OS: Ubuntu 20.04
  • Compiler(s): GNU version 10.5
  • MPI type, and version: MPICH 3.3.2
  • netCDF Version: netCDF-C 4.7.3; netCDF-Fortran 4.5.2
  • Configure options: 64bit

@spencerkclark you are correct. gam(i,km) was incorrectly not specified in the iv .eq. -2 branch. I believe it should be specified the same way as in the interior (gam(i,k) = d4(i) / bet). This is an oversight on my part.

@laurenchilutti I haven't been assigned an issue before. Should I test the code and submit a patch? Thanks.

@lharris4 I did not look closely before assigning this - I had thought this was a PR and I was adding you as a reviewer. Please disregard the assignment.

Thanks @lharris4 — I went ahead and made a PR with your suggested fix, and confirmed that it fixed the reproducibility issue: #302. I'm leaning on your expertise regarding the scientific correctness of this change.