
Problems parsing pod_env_vars keys from settings.jsonc

wrongkindofdoctor opened this issue · 2 comments

I have fixed some bugs in the variable and path definitions in the ENSO_MSE POD, but am encountering a problem parsing variables defined in the pod_env_vars section of the settings.jsonc file. I've modified the original keys to conform to shell conventions (all caps, underscore before numbers), but this did not resolve the problem. Below is the output from the ENSO_MSE log file after modifying to read in the key at the beginning of the script:

### Starting ENSO_MSE
Env vars: 
  DATADIR: /mdtf/wkdir/MDTF_CESM2_1950_2005/ENSO_MSE
  FIRSTYR: 1950
  HFLS_FILE: mdtf/wkdir/MDTF_CESM2_1950_2005/ENSO_MSE/mon/
  HFSS_FILE: /mdtf/wkdir/MDTF_CESM2_1950_2005/ENSO_MSE/mon/
  LASTYR: 2005
  OBS_DATA: /mdtf/diagnostics/inputdata/obs_data/ENSO_MSE
  OMEGA_FILE: /mdtf/wkdir/MDTF_CESM2_1950_2005/ENSO_MSE/mon/
  POD_HOME: /mdtf/MDTF-diagnostics/diagnostics/ENSO_MSE
  PR_FILE: /mdtf/wkdir/MDTF_CESM2_1950_2005/ENSO_MSE/mon/
  QA_FILE: /mdtf/wkdir/MDTF_CESM2_1950_2005/ENSO_MSE/mon/
  RGB: /mdtf/MDTF-diagnostics/shared/rgb
  RLDS_FILE: /mdtf/wkdir/MDTF_CESM2_1950_2005/ENSO_MSE/mon/
  RLUS_FILE: /mdtf/wkdir/MDTF_CESM2_1950_2005/ENSO_MSE/mon/
  RLUT_FILE: /mdtf/wkdir/MDTF_CESM2_1950_2005/ENSO_MSE/mon/
  RSDS_FILE: /mdtf/wkdir/MDTF_CESM2_1950_2005/ENSO_MSE/mon/
  RSDT_FILE: /mdtf/wkdir/MDTF_CESM2_1950_2005/ENSO_MSE/mon/
  RSUS_FILE: /mdtf/wkdir/MDTF_CESM2_1950_2005/ENSO_MSE/mon/
  RSUT_FILE: /mdtf/wkdir/MDTF_CESM2_1950_2005/ENSO_MSE/mon/
  TA_FILE: /mdtf/wkdir/MDTF_CESM2_1950_2005/ENSO_MSE/mon/
  TS_FILE: /mdtf/wkdir/MDTF_CESM2_1950_2005/ENSO_MSE/mon/
  UA_FILE: /mdtf/wkdir/MDTF_CESM2_1950_2005/ENSO_MSE/mon/
  WK_DIR: /mdtf/wkdir/MDTF_CESM2_1950_2005/ENSO_MSE
  date_int_offset: 0
  hfls_var: hfls
  hfss_var: hfss
  lat_bnds: lat_bnds
  lat_coord: lat
  lev_coord: lev
  lon_bnds: lon_bnds
  lon_coord: lon
  omega_var: omega
  pr_var: pr
  qa_var: qa
  rlds_var: rlds
  rlus_var: rlus
  rlut_var: rlut
  rsds_var: rsds
  rsdt_var: rsdt
  rsus_var: rsus
  rsut_var: rsut
  ta_var: ta
  time_bnds: time_bnds
  time_coord: time
  ts_var: ts
  ua_var: ua
  va_var: va
  zg_var: zg

### Running ENSO_MSE

Found program ncl.
Found contributed.ncl in /miniconda3/envs/_MDTF_ENSO_MSE/lib/ncarg/nclscripts.
Found gsn_code.ncl in /miniconda3/envs/_MDTF_ENSO_MSE/lib/ncarg/nclscripts.
Found gsn_csm.ncl in /miniconda3/envs/_MDTF_ENSO_MSE/lib/ncarg/nclscripts.
Found shea_util.ncl in /miniconda3/envs/_MDTF_ENSO_MSE/lib/ncarg/nclscripts.
Found calendar_decode2.ncl in /miniconda3/envs/_MDTF_ENSO_MSE/lib/ncarg/nclscripts.
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "/mdtf/MDTF-diagnostics/diagnostics/ENSO_MSE/", line 26, in <module>
    slon1 =  os.environ["SLON_1"]
  File "/miniconda3/envs/_MDTF_ENSO_MSE/lib/python3.7/", line 681, in __getitem__
    raise KeyError(key) from None
KeyError: 'SLON_1'
ERROR: Process exited abnormally (code=1)

main mdtf log:


Started logging at 2021-04-08 16:54:36.353745
git hash/branch: <couldn't get git hash> (on <no branch>)
sys.platform: 'linux'
sys.version: '3.7.10 | packaged by conda-forge | (default, Feb 19 2021, 16:07:37) 
[GCC 9.3.0]'

16:54:35 DEBUG: Reading file /mdtf/MDTF-diagnostics/sites/defaults.jsonc
16:54:35 DEBUG: Config file /mdtf/MDTF-diagnostics/sites/defaults.jsonc not found; not updating defaults.
16:54:35 DEBUG: Reading file /mdtf/MDTF-diagnostics/sites/local/defaults.jsonc
16:54:35 DEBUG: Config file /mdtf/MDTF-diagnostics/sites/local/defaults.jsonc not found; not updating defaults.
16:54:35 DEBUG: Couldn't find file cli_subcommands.jsonc in /mdtf/MDTF-diagnostics/sites/local; continuing.
16:54:35 DEBUG: Reading file /mdtf/MDTF-diagnostics/src/cli_subcommands.jsonc
16:54:35 DEBUG: Reading file /mdtf/MDTF-diagnostics/src/cli_template.jsonc
16:54:35 DEBUG: Couldn't find file cli_plugins.jsonc in /mdtf/MDTF-diagnostics/sites/local; continuing.
16:54:35 DEBUG: Reading file /mdtf/MDTF-diagnostics/src/cli_plugins.jsonc
16:54:36 DEBUG: Using selector: EpollSelector
16:54:36 DEBUG: Reading file /mdtf/MDTF-diagnostics/diagnostics/convective_transition_diag/settings.jsonc
16:54:36 DEBUG: Reading file /mdtf/MDTF-diagnostics/diagnostics/ENSO_MSE/settings.jsonc
16:54:36 DEBUG: Reading file /mdtf/MDTF-diagnostics/diagnostics/EOF_500hPa/settings.jsonc
16:54:36 DEBUG: Reading file /mdtf/MDTF-diagnostics/diagnostics/example/settings.jsonc
16:54:36 DEBUG: Reading file /mdtf/MDTF-diagnostics/diagnostics/MJO_prop_amp/settings.jsonc
16:54:36 DEBUG: Reading file /mdtf/MDTF-diagnostics/diagnostics/MJO_suite/settings.jsonc
16:54:36 DEBUG: Reading file /mdtf/MDTF-diagnostics/diagnostics/MJO_teleconnection/settings.jsonc
16:54:36 DEBUG: Reading file /mdtf/MDTF-diagnostics/diagnostics/precip_diurnal_cycle/settings.jsonc
16:54:36 DEBUG: Reading file /mdtf/MDTF-diagnostics/diagnostics/SM_ET_coupling/settings.jsonc
16:54:36 DEBUG: Reading file /mdtf/MDTF-diagnostics/diagnostics/Wheeler_Kiladis/settings.jsonc
16:54:36 DEBUG: Couldn't find file logging.jsonc in /mdtf/MDTF-diagnostics/sites/local; continuing.
16:54:36 DEBUG: Reading file /mdtf/MDTF-diagnostics/src/logging.jsonc
16:54:36 DEBUG: Reading file /mdtf/MDTF-diagnostics/data/fieldlist_CMIP.jsonc
16:54:36 DEBUG: Adding variable name convention 'CMIP'
16:54:36 DEBUG: Reading file /mdtf/MDTF-diagnostics/data/fieldlist_GFDL.jsonc
16:54:36 DEBUG: Adding variable name convention 'GFDL'
16:54:36 DEBUG: Reading file /mdtf/MDTF-diagnostics/data/fieldlist_NCAR.jsonc
16:54:36 DEBUG: Adding variable name convention 'NCAR'
16:54:36 INFO:   case_list(0): 
    model: CESM2
    convention: CMIP
    FIRSTYR: 1950
    LASTYR: 2005
    experiment: ""
    CODE_ROOT: /mdtf/MDTF-diagnostics
    OBS_DATA_ROOT: /mdtf/diagnostics/inputdata/obs_data
    MODEL_DATA_ROOT: /mdtf/diagnostics/inputdata/model
    WORKING_DIR: /mdtf/wkdir
    OUTPUT_DIR: /mdtf/wkdir
    conda_root: /miniconda3
    conda_env_root: /miniconda3/envs
    TEMP_DIR_ROOT: /mdtf/wkdir
    verbose: 1
    file_transfer_timeout: 300
    environment_manager: Conda
    runtime_manager: subprocess
    convention: CMIP
    data_manager: Local_File
    output_manager: html
    overwrite: true
    RGB: /mdtf/MDTF-diagnostics/shared/rgb
16:54:36 INFO: ### Framework: initialize CESM2
16:54:36 DEBUG: Setting CASE_ROOT_DIR to MODEL_DATA_ROOT = '/mdtf/diagnostics/inputdata/model'.
16:54:36 DEBUG: 'sample_dataset' not supplied, using CASENAME = 'CESM2'.
16:54:36 DEBUG: Contents of log cache transferred.
16:54:36 DEBUG: PrecipRateToFluxFunction edit_request on <#8.ENSO_MSE:pr>: caught KeyError("Standard name 'precipitation_rate' not defined in convention 'CMIP'.") when trying to translate 'precipitation_rate'; varlist unaltered.
16:54:36 DEBUG: ######################################################################
16:54:36 DEBUG: Pre-query varlists for CESM2:
16:54:36 DEBUG: <#2.ENSO_MSE:zg (=zg) @ 1mo; active:INITED, ok, required>
    Translation: <zg (=geopotential_height)>
16:54:36 DEBUG: <#3.ENSO_MSE:ua (=ua) @ 1mo; active:INITED, ok, required>
    Translation: <ua (=eastward_wind)>
16:54:36 DEBUG: <#4.ENSO_MSE:va (=va) @ 1mo; active:INITED, ok, required>
    Translation: <va (=northward_wind)>
16:54:36 DEBUG: <#5.ENSO_MSE:ta (=ta) @ 1mo; active:INITED, ok, required>
    Translation: <ta (=air_temperature)>
16:54:36 DEBUG: <#6.ENSO_MSE:qa (=hus) @ 1mo; active:INITED, ok, required>
    Translation: <hus (=specific_humidity)>
16:54:36 DEBUG: <#7.ENSO_MSE:omega (=wap) @ 1mo; active:INITED, ok, required>
    Translation: <wap (=lagrangian_tendency_of_air_pressure)>
16:54:36 DEBUG: <#8.ENSO_MSE:pr (=pr) @ 1mo; active:INITED, ok, required>
    Translation: <pr (=precipitation_flux)>
16:54:36 DEBUG: <#9.ENSO_MSE:ts (=ts) @ 1mo; active:INITED, ok, required>
    Translation: <ts (=surface_temperature)>
16:54:36 DEBUG: <#10.ENSO_MSE:hfss (=hfss) @ 1mo; active:INITED, ok, required>
    Translation: <hfss (=surface_upward_sensible_heat_flux)>
16:54:36 DEBUG: <#11.ENSO_MSE:hfls (=hfls) @ 1mo; active:INITED, ok, required>
    Translation: <hfls (=surface_upward_latent_heat_flux)>
16:54:36 DEBUG: <#12.ENSO_MSE:rsus (=rsus) @ 1mo; active:INITED, ok, required>
    Translation: <rsus (=surface_upwelling_shortwave_flux_in_air)>
16:54:36 DEBUG: <#13.ENSO_MSE:rsds (=rsds) @ 1mo; active:INITED, ok, required>
    Translation: <rsds (=surface_downwelling_shortwave_flux_in_air)>
16:54:36 DEBUG: <#14.ENSO_MSE:rsdt (=rsdt) @ 1mo; active:INITED, ok, required>
    Translation: <rsdt (=toa_incoming_shortwave_flux)>
16:54:36 DEBUG: <#15.ENSO_MSE:rsut (=rsut) @ 1mo; active:INITED, ok, required>
    Translation: <rsut (=toa_outgoing_shortwave_flux)>
16:54:36 DEBUG: <#16.ENSO_MSE:rlus (=rlus) @ 1mo; active:INITED, ok, required>
    Translation: <rlus (=surface_upwelling_longwave_flux_in_air)>
16:54:36 DEBUG: <#17.ENSO_MSE:rlds (=rlds) @ 1mo; active:INITED, ok, required>
    Translation: <rlds (=surface_downwelling_longwave_flux_in_air)>
16:54:36 DEBUG: <#18.ENSO_MSE:rlut (=rlut) @ 1mo; active:INITED, ok, required>
    Translation: <rlut (=toa_outgoing_longwave_flux)>
16:54:36 DEBUG: ######################################################################
16:54:36 INFO: ### Framework: request data for CESM2
16:54:36 DEBUG: Starting catalog directory crawl at /mdtf/diagnostics/inputdata/model
16:54:36 DEBUG: Directory crawl found 17 files.
16:54:36 DEBUG: Updating active PODs for CASENAME 'CESM2'
16:54:36 DEBUG: Updating active vars for POD ENSO_MSE
16:54:36 DEBUG: Query batch: [<#2.ENSO_MSE:zg>, <#3.ENSO_MSE:ua>, <#4.ENSO_MSE:va>, <#5.ENSO_MSE:ta>, <#6.ENSO_MSE:qa>, <#7.ENSO_MSE:omega>, <#8.ENSO_MSE:pr>, <#9.ENSO_MSE:ts>, <#10.ENSO_MSE:hfss>, <#11.ENSO_MSE:hfls>, <#12.ENSO_MSE:rsus>, <#13.ENSO_MSE:rsds>, <#14.ENSO_MSE:rsdt>, <#15.ENSO_MSE:rsut>, <#16.ENSO_MSE:rlus>, <#17.ENSO_MSE:rlds>, <#18.ENSO_MSE:rlut>]
16:54:36 INFO: Querying <zg (=geopotential_height)>
16:54:36 DEBUG: Query found <expt_key=('CESM2', '', ''), data_key=(16,)> for <#2.ENSO_MSE:zg>
16:54:36 INFO: Querying <ua (=eastward_wind)>
16:54:36 DEBUG: Query found <expt_key=('CESM2', '', ''), data_key=(13,)> for <#3.ENSO_MSE:ua>
16:54:36 INFO: Querying <va (=northward_wind)>
16:54:36 DEBUG: Query found <expt_key=('CESM2', '', ''), data_key=(14,)> for <#4.ENSO_MSE:va>
16:54:36 INFO: Querying <ta (=air_temperature)>
16:54:36 DEBUG: Query found <expt_key=('CESM2', '', ''), data_key=(11,)> for <#5.ENSO_MSE:ta>
16:54:36 INFO: Querying <hus (=specific_humidity)>
16:54:36 DEBUG: Query found <expt_key=('CESM2', '', ''), data_key=(2,)> for <#6.ENSO_MSE:qa>
16:54:36 INFO: Querying <wap (=lagrangian_tendency_of_air_pressure)>
16:54:36 DEBUG: Query found <expt_key=('CESM2', '', ''), data_key=(15,)> for <#7.ENSO_MSE:omega>
16:54:36 INFO: Querying <pr (=precipitation_flux)>
16:54:36 DEBUG: Query found <expt_key=('CESM2', '', ''), data_key=(3,)> for <#8.ENSO_MSE:pr>
16:54:36 INFO: Querying <ts (=surface_temperature)>
16:54:36 DEBUG: Query found <expt_key=('CESM2', '', ''), data_key=(12,)> for <#9.ENSO_MSE:ts>
16:54:36 INFO: Querying <hfss (=surface_upward_sensible_heat_flux)>
16:54:36 DEBUG: Query found <expt_key=('CESM2', '', ''), data_key=(1,)> for <#10.ENSO_MSE:hfss>
16:54:36 INFO: Querying <hfls (=surface_upward_latent_heat_flux)>
16:54:36 DEBUG: Query found <expt_key=('CESM2', '', ''), data_key=(0,)> for <#11.ENSO_MSE:hfls>
16:54:36 INFO: Querying <rsus (=surface_upwelling_shortwave_flux_in_air)>
16:54:36 DEBUG: Query found <expt_key=('CESM2', '', ''), data_key=(9,)> for <#12.ENSO_MSE:rsus>
16:54:36 INFO: Querying <rsds (=surface_downwelling_shortwave_flux_in_air)>
16:54:36 DEBUG: Query found <expt_key=('CESM2', '', ''), data_key=(7,)> for <#13.ENSO_MSE:rsds>
16:54:36 INFO: Querying <rsdt (=toa_incoming_shortwave_flux)>
16:54:36 DEBUG: Query found <expt_key=('CESM2', '', ''), data_key=(8,)> for <#14.ENSO_MSE:rsdt>
16:54:36 INFO: Querying <rsut (=toa_outgoing_shortwave_flux)>
16:54:36 DEBUG: Query found <expt_key=('CESM2', '', ''), data_key=(10,)> for <#15.ENSO_MSE:rsut>
16:54:36 INFO: Querying <rlus (=surface_upwelling_longwave_flux_in_air)>
16:54:36 DEBUG: Query found <expt_key=('CESM2', '', ''), data_key=(5,)> for <#16.ENSO_MSE:rlus>
16:54:36 INFO: Querying <rlds (=surface_downwelling_longwave_flux_in_air)>
16:54:36 DEBUG: Query found <expt_key=('CESM2', '', ''), data_key=(4,)> for <#17.ENSO_MSE:rlds>
16:54:36 INFO: Querying <rlut (=toa_outgoing_longwave_flux)>
16:54:36 DEBUG: Query found <expt_key=('CESM2', '', ''), data_key=(6,)> for <#18.ENSO_MSE:rlut>
16:54:36 DEBUG: Updating active PODs for CASENAME 'CESM2'
16:54:36 DEBUG: Updating active vars for POD ENSO_MSE
16:54:36 DEBUG: 1 expt attr choices for CESM2 from <#2.ENSO_MSE:zg>
16:54:36 DEBUG: 1 expt attr choices for CESM2 from <#3.ENSO_MSE:ua>
16:54:36 DEBUG: 1 expt attr choices for CESM2 from <#4.ENSO_MSE:va>
16:54:36 DEBUG: 1 expt attr choices for CESM2 from <#5.ENSO_MSE:ta>
16:54:36 DEBUG: 1 expt attr choices for CESM2 from <#6.ENSO_MSE:qa>
16:54:36 DEBUG: 1 expt attr choices for CESM2 from <#7.ENSO_MSE:omega>
16:54:36 DEBUG: 1 expt attr choices for CESM2 from <#8.ENSO_MSE:pr>
16:54:36 DEBUG: 1 expt attr choices for CESM2 from <#9.ENSO_MSE:ts>
16:54:36 DEBUG: 1 expt attr choices for CESM2 from <#10.ENSO_MSE:hfss>
16:54:36 DEBUG: 1 expt attr choices for CESM2 from <#11.ENSO_MSE:hfls>
16:54:36 DEBUG: 1 expt attr choices for CESM2 from <#12.ENSO_MSE:rsus>
16:54:36 DEBUG: 1 expt attr choices for CESM2 from <#13.ENSO_MSE:rsds>
16:54:36 DEBUG: 1 expt attr choices for CESM2 from <#14.ENSO_MSE:rsdt>
16:54:36 DEBUG: 1 expt attr choices for CESM2 from <#15.ENSO_MSE:rsut>
16:54:36 DEBUG: 1 expt attr choices for CESM2 from <#16.ENSO_MSE:rlus>
16:54:36 DEBUG: 1 expt attr choices for CESM2 from <#17.ENSO_MSE:rlds>
16:54:36 DEBUG: 1 expt attr choices for CESM2 from <#18.ENSO_MSE:rlut>
16:54:36 DEBUG: 1 expt attr choices for CESM2
16:54:36 DEBUG: Setting experiment_key for CESM2 to 'CESM2'
16:54:36 DEBUG: Updating active PODs for CASENAME 'CESM2'
16:54:36 DEBUG: Updating active vars for POD ENSO_MSE
16:54:36 DEBUG: Fetch batch: [<#2.ENSO_MSE:zg>, <#3.ENSO_MSE:ua>, <#4.ENSO_MSE:va>, <#5.ENSO_MSE:ta>, <#6.ENSO_MSE:qa>, <#7.ENSO_MSE:omega>, <#8.ENSO_MSE:pr>, <#9.ENSO_MSE:ts>, <#10.ENSO_MSE:hfss>, <#11.ENSO_MSE:hfls>, <#12.ENSO_MSE:rsus>, <#13.ENSO_MSE:rsds>, <#14.ENSO_MSE:rsdt>, <#15.ENSO_MSE:rsut>, <#16.ENSO_MSE:rlus>, <#17.ENSO_MSE:rlds>, <#18.ENSO_MSE:rlut>]
16:54:36 INFO: Fetching <#2.ENSO_MSE:zg (=zg) @ 1mo>
16:54:36 DEBUG: Fetching data_key=(16,)
16:54:36 DEBUG: Fetch <#2.ENSO_MSE:zg>: found /mdtf/diagnostics/inputdata/model/CESM2/mon/
16:54:36 INFO: Fetching <#3.ENSO_MSE:ua (=ua) @ 1mo>
16:54:36 DEBUG: Fetching data_key=(13,)
16:54:36 DEBUG: Fetch <#3.ENSO_MSE:ua>: found /mdtf/diagnostics/inputdata/model/CESM2/mon/
16:54:36 INFO: Fetching <#4.ENSO_MSE:va (=va) @ 1mo>
16:54:36 DEBUG: Fetching data_key=(14,)
16:54:36 DEBUG: Fetch <#4.ENSO_MSE:va>: found /mdtf/diagnostics/inputdata/model/CESM2/mon/
16:54:36 INFO: Fetching <#5.ENSO_MSE:ta (=ta) @ 1mo>
16:54:36 DEBUG: Fetching data_key=(11,)
16:54:36 DEBUG: Fetch <#5.ENSO_MSE:ta>: found /mdtf/diagnostics/inputdata/model/CESM2/mon/
16:54:36 INFO: Fetching <#6.ENSO_MSE:qa (=hus) @ 1mo>
16:54:36 DEBUG: Fetching data_key=(2,)
16:54:36 DEBUG: Fetch <#6.ENSO_MSE:qa>: found /mdtf/diagnostics/inputdata/model/CESM2/mon/
16:54:36 INFO: Fetching <#7.ENSO_MSE:omega (=wap) @ 1mo>
16:54:36 DEBUG: Fetching data_key=(15,)
16:54:36 DEBUG: Fetch <#7.ENSO_MSE:omega>: found /mdtf/diagnostics/inputdata/model/CESM2/mon/
16:54:36 INFO: Fetching <#8.ENSO_MSE:pr (=pr) @ 1mo>
16:54:36 DEBUG: Fetching data_key=(3,)
16:54:36 DEBUG: Fetch <#8.ENSO_MSE:pr>: found /mdtf/diagnostics/inputdata/model/CESM2/mon/
16:54:36 INFO: Fetching <#9.ENSO_MSE:ts (=ts) @ 1mo>
16:54:36 DEBUG: Fetching data_key=(12,)
16:54:36 DEBUG: Fetch <#9.ENSO_MSE:ts>: found /mdtf/diagnostics/inputdata/model/CESM2/mon/
16:54:36 INFO: Fetching <#10.ENSO_MSE:hfss (=hfss) @ 1mo>
16:54:36 DEBUG: Fetching data_key=(1,)
16:54:36 DEBUG: Fetch <#10.ENSO_MSE:hfss>: found /mdtf/diagnostics/inputdata/model/CESM2/mon/
16:54:36 INFO: Fetching <#11.ENSO_MSE:hfls (=hfls) @ 1mo>
16:54:36 DEBUG: Fetching data_key=(0,)
16:54:36 DEBUG: Fetch <#11.ENSO_MSE:hfls>: found /mdtf/diagnostics/inputdata/model/CESM2/mon/
16:54:36 INFO: Fetching <#12.ENSO_MSE:rsus (=rsus) @ 1mo>
16:54:36 DEBUG: Fetching data_key=(9,)
16:54:36 DEBUG: Fetch <#12.ENSO_MSE:rsus>: found /mdtf/diagnostics/inputdata/model/CESM2/mon/
16:54:36 INFO: Fetching <#13.ENSO_MSE:rsds (=rsds) @ 1mo>
16:54:36 DEBUG: Fetching data_key=(7,)
16:54:36 DEBUG: Fetch <#13.ENSO_MSE:rsds>: found /mdtf/diagnostics/inputdata/model/CESM2/mon/
16:54:36 INFO: Fetching <#14.ENSO_MSE:rsdt (=rsdt) @ 1mo>
16:54:36 DEBUG: Fetching data_key=(8,)
16:54:36 DEBUG: Fetch <#14.ENSO_MSE:rsdt>: found /mdtf/diagnostics/inputdata/model/CESM2/mon/
16:54:36 INFO: Fetching <#15.ENSO_MSE:rsut (=rsut) @ 1mo>
16:54:36 DEBUG: Fetching data_key=(10,)
16:54:36 DEBUG: Fetch <#15.ENSO_MSE:rsut>: found /mdtf/diagnostics/inputdata/model/CESM2/mon/
16:54:36 INFO: Fetching <#16.ENSO_MSE:rlus (=rlus) @ 1mo>
16:54:36 DEBUG: Fetching data_key=(5,)
16:54:36 DEBUG: Fetch <#16.ENSO_MSE:rlus>: found /mdtf/diagnostics/inputdata/model/CESM2/mon/
16:54:36 INFO: Fetching <#17.ENSO_MSE:rlds (=rlds) @ 1mo>
16:54:36 DEBUG: Fetching data_key=(4,)
16:54:36 DEBUG: Fetch <#17.ENSO_MSE:rlds>: found /mdtf/diagnostics/inputdata/model/CESM2/mon/
16:54:36 INFO: Fetching <#18.ENSO_MSE:rlut (=rlut) @ 1mo>
16:54:36 DEBUG: Fetching data_key=(6,)
16:54:36 DEBUG: Fetch <#18.ENSO_MSE:rlut>: found /mdtf/diagnostics/inputdata/model/CESM2/mon/
16:54:36 DEBUG: Updating active PODs for CASENAME 'CESM2'
16:54:36 DEBUG: Updating active vars for POD ENSO_MSE
16:54:36 INFO: Processing <#2.ENSO_MSE:zg (=zg) @ 1mo>
16:54:36 DEBUG: xr.open_dataset on /mdtf/diagnostics/inputdata/model/CESM2/mon/
16:54:36 WARNING: /miniconda3/envs/_MDTF_base/lib/python3.7/site-packages/xarray/ SerializationWarning: variable 'zg' has multiple fill values {1e+20, 1e+20}, decoding all values to NaN.

16:54:36 DEBUG: Updating name for 'time' to value 'time' from dataset.
16:54:36 DEBUG: Updating bounds for 'time' to value 'time_bnds' from dataset.
16:54:36 DEBUG: Updating name for 'plev' to value 'plev' from dataset.
16:54:36 WARNING: Found unexpected units for variable 'plev': 'Pa' (expected 'hPa').
16:54:36 DEBUG: Updating name for 'lat' to value 'lat' from dataset.
16:54:36 DEBUG: Updating bounds for 'lat' to value 'lat_bnds' from dataset.
16:54:36 DEBUG: Updating name for 'lon' to value 'lon' from dataset.
16:54:36 DEBUG: Updating bounds for 'lon' to value 'lon_bnds' from dataset.
16:54:36 DEBUG: Preprocess <#2.ENSO_MSE:zg>: call CropDateRangeFunction
16:54:36 INFO: Cropped date range of <#2.ENSO_MSE:zg> from '1850-01-15 -- 2014-12-15' to '1950-01-15 -- 2005-12-15'.
16:54:36 DEBUG: Preprocess <#2.ENSO_MSE:zg>: call PrecipRateToFluxFunction
16:54:36 DEBUG: Preprocess <#2.ENSO_MSE:zg>: call ConvertUnitsFunction
16:54:36 DEBUG: Source, dest units of 'zg' (geopotential_height) identical (m); no conversion done.
16:54:36 DEBUG: Convert units of 'plev' (air_pressure) from 'Pa' to 'hPa'.
16:54:36 DEBUG: Source, dest units of 'lat' (latitude) identical (degrees_north); no conversion done.
16:54:36 DEBUG: Source, dest units of 'lat_bnds' identical (degrees_north); no conversion done.
16:54:36 DEBUG: Source, dest units of 'lon' (longitude) identical (degrees_east); no conversion done.
16:54:36 DEBUG: Source, dest units of 'lon_bnds' identical (degrees_east); no conversion done.
16:54:36 INFO: Converted units on <#2.ENSO_MSE:zg>.
16:54:36 DEBUG: Preprocess <#2.ENSO_MSE:zg>: call ExtractLevelFunction
16:54:36 DEBUG: Exit ExtractLevelFunction for <#2.ENSO_MSE:zg>: no level requested.
16:54:36 DEBUG: Preprocess <#2.ENSO_MSE:zg>: call RenameVariablesFunction
16:54:36 DEBUG: Rename Z axis of <#2.ENSO_MSE:zg> from 'plev' to 'lev'.
16:54:36 INFO: Writing to $WK_DIR/ENSO_MSE/mon/
16:54:36 DEBUG: xr.Dataset.to_netcdf on /mdtf/wkdir/MDTF_CESM2_1950_2005/ENSO_MSE/mon/
16:55:53 DEBUG: Successful preprocessor exit on <#2.ENSO_MSE:zg (=zg) @ 1mo>.
16:55:53 INFO: Processing <#3.ENSO_MSE:ua (=ua) @ 1mo>
16:55:53 DEBUG: xr.open_dataset on /mdtf/diagnostics/inputdata/model/CESM2/mon/
16:55:53 WARNING: /miniconda3/envs/_MDTF_base/lib/python3.7/site-packages/xarray/ SerializationWarning: variable 'ua' has multiple fill values {1e+20, 1e+20}, decoding all values to NaN.

16:55:53 DEBUG: Updating name for 'time' to value 'time' from dataset.
16:55:53 DEBUG: Updating bounds for 'time' to value 'time_bnds' from dataset.
16:55:53 DEBUG: Updating name for 'plev' to value 'plev' from dataset.
16:55:53 WARNING: Found unexpected units for variable 'plev': 'Pa' (expected 'hPa').
16:55:53 DEBUG: Updating name for 'lat' to value 'lat' from dataset.
16:55:53 DEBUG: Updating bounds for 'lat' to value 'lat_bnds' from dataset.
16:55:53 DEBUG: Updating name for 'lon' to value 'lon' from dataset.
16:55:53 DEBUG: Updating bounds for 'lon' to value 'lon_bnds' from dataset.
16:55:53 DEBUG: Preprocess <#3.ENSO_MSE:ua>: call CropDateRangeFunction
16:55:53 INFO: Cropped date range of <#3.ENSO_MSE:ua> from '1850-01-15 -- 2014-12-15' to '1950-01-15 -- 2005-12-15'.
16:55:53 DEBUG: Preprocess <#3.ENSO_MSE:ua>: call PrecipRateToFluxFunction
16:55:53 DEBUG: Preprocess <#3.ENSO_MSE:ua>: call ConvertUnitsFunction
16:55:53 DEBUG: Source, dest units of 'ua' (eastward_wind) identical (m s-1); no conversion done.
16:55:53 DEBUG: Convert units of 'plev' (air_pressure) from 'Pa' to 'hPa'.
16:55:53 DEBUG: Source, dest units of 'lat' (latitude) identical (degrees_north); no conversion done.
16:55:53 DEBUG: Source, dest units of 'lat_bnds' identical (degrees_north); no conversion done.
16:55:53 DEBUG: Source, dest units of 'lon' (longitude) identical (degrees_east); no conversion done.
16:55:53 DEBUG: Source, dest units of 'lon_bnds' identical (degrees_east); no conversion done.
16:55:53 INFO: Converted units on <#3.ENSO_MSE:ua>.
16:55:53 DEBUG: Preprocess <#3.ENSO_MSE:ua>: call ExtractLevelFunction
16:55:53 DEBUG: Exit ExtractLevelFunction for <#3.ENSO_MSE:ua>: no level requested.
16:55:53 DEBUG: Preprocess <#3.ENSO_MSE:ua>: call RenameVariablesFunction
16:55:53 DEBUG: Rename Z axis of <#3.ENSO_MSE:ua> from 'plev' to 'lev'.
16:55:53 INFO: Writing to $WK_DIR/ENSO_MSE/mon/
16:55:53 DEBUG: xr.Dataset.to_netcdf on /mdtf/wkdir/MDTF_CESM2_1950_2005/ENSO_MSE/mon/
16:57:19 DEBUG: Successful preprocessor exit on <#3.ENSO_MSE:ua (=ua) @ 1mo>.
16:57:19 INFO: Processing <#4.ENSO_MSE:va (=va) @ 1mo>
16:57:19 DEBUG: xr.open_dataset on /mdtf/diagnostics/inputdata/model/CESM2/mon/
16:57:19 WARNING: /miniconda3/envs/_MDTF_base/lib/python3.7/site-packages/xarray/ SerializationWarning: variable 'va' has multiple fill values {1e+20, 1e+20}, decoding all values to NaN.

16:57:19 DEBUG: Updating name for 'time' to value 'time' from dataset.
16:57:19 DEBUG: Updating bounds for 'time' to value 'time_bnds' from dataset.
16:57:19 DEBUG: Updating name for 'plev' to value 'plev' from dataset.
16:57:19 WARNING: Found unexpected units for variable 'plev': 'Pa' (expected 'hPa').
16:57:19 DEBUG: Updating name for 'lat' to value 'lat' from dataset.
16:57:19 DEBUG: Updating bounds for 'lat' to value 'lat_bnds' from dataset.
16:57:19 DEBUG: Updating name for 'lon' to value 'lon' from dataset.
16:57:19 DEBUG: Updating bounds for 'lon' to value 'lon_bnds' from dataset.
16:57:19 DEBUG: Preprocess <#4.ENSO_MSE:va>: call CropDateRangeFunction
16:57:19 INFO: Cropped date range of <#4.ENSO_MSE:va> from '1850-01-15 -- 2014-12-15' to '1950-01-15 -- 2005-12-15'.
16:57:19 DEBUG: Preprocess <#4.ENSO_MSE:va>: call PrecipRateToFluxFunction
16:57:19 DEBUG: Preprocess <#4.ENSO_MSE:va>: call ConvertUnitsFunction
16:57:19 DEBUG: Source, dest units of 'va' (northward_wind) identical (m s-1); no conversion done.
16:57:19 DEBUG: Convert units of 'plev' (air_pressure) from 'Pa' to 'hPa'.
16:57:19 DEBUG: Source, dest units of 'lat' (latitude) identical (degrees_north); no conversion done.
16:57:19 DEBUG: Source, dest units of 'lat_bnds' identical (degrees_north); no conversion done.
16:57:19 DEBUG: Source, dest units of 'lon' (longitude) identical (degrees_east); no conversion done.
16:57:19 DEBUG: Source, dest units of 'lon_bnds' identical (degrees_east); no conversion done.
16:57:19 INFO: Converted units on <#4.ENSO_MSE:va>.
16:57:19 DEBUG: Preprocess <#4.ENSO_MSE:va>: call ExtractLevelFunction
16:57:19 DEBUG: Exit ExtractLevelFunction for <#4.ENSO_MSE:va>: no level requested.
16:57:19 DEBUG: Preprocess <#4.ENSO_MSE:va>: call RenameVariablesFunction
16:57:19 DEBUG: Rename Z axis of <#4.ENSO_MSE:va> from 'plev' to 'lev'.
16:57:19 INFO: Writing to $WK_DIR/ENSO_MSE/mon/
16:57:19 DEBUG: xr.Dataset.to_netcdf on /mdtf/wkdir/MDTF_CESM2_1950_2005/ENSO_MSE/mon/
16:58:52 DEBUG: Successful preprocessor exit on <#4.ENSO_MSE:va (=va) @ 1mo>.
16:58:52 INFO: Processing <#5.ENSO_MSE:ta (=ta) @ 1mo>
16:58:52 DEBUG: xr.open_dataset on /mdtf/diagnostics/inputdata/model/CESM2/mon/
16:58:52 WARNING: /miniconda3/envs/_MDTF_base/lib/python3.7/site-packages/xarray/ SerializationWarning: variable 'ta' has multiple fill values {1e+20, 1e+20}, decoding all values to NaN.

16:58:52 DEBUG: Updating name for 'time' to value 'time' from dataset.
16:58:52 DEBUG: Updating bounds for 'time' to value 'time_bnds' from dataset.
16:58:52 DEBUG: Updating name for 'plev' to value 'plev' from dataset.
16:58:52 WARNING: Found unexpected units for variable 'plev': 'Pa' (expected 'hPa').
16:58:52 DEBUG: Updating name for 'lat' to value 'lat' from dataset.
16:58:52 DEBUG: Updating bounds for 'lat' to value 'lat_bnds' from dataset.
16:58:52 DEBUG: Updating name for 'lon' to value 'lon' from dataset.
16:58:52 DEBUG: Updating bounds for 'lon' to value 'lon_bnds' from dataset.
16:58:52 DEBUG: Preprocess <#5.ENSO_MSE:ta>: call CropDateRangeFunction
16:58:52 INFO: Cropped date range of <#5.ENSO_MSE:ta> from '1850-01-15 -- 2014-12-15' to '1950-01-15 -- 2005-12-15'.
16:58:52 DEBUG: Preprocess <#5.ENSO_MSE:ta>: call PrecipRateToFluxFunction
16:58:52 DEBUG: Preprocess <#5.ENSO_MSE:ta>: call ConvertUnitsFunction
16:58:52 DEBUG: Source, dest units of 'ta' (air_temperature) identical (K); no conversion done.
16:58:52 DEBUG: Convert units of 'plev' (air_pressure) from 'Pa' to 'hPa'.
16:58:52 DEBUG: Source, dest units of 'lat' (latitude) identical (degrees_north); no conversion done.
16:58:52 DEBUG: Source, dest units of 'lat_bnds' identical (degrees_north); no conversion done.
16:58:52 DEBUG: Source, dest units of 'lon' (longitude) identical (degrees_east); no conversion done.
16:58:52 DEBUG: Source, dest units of 'lon_bnds' identical (degrees_east); no conversion done.
16:58:52 INFO: Converted units on <#5.ENSO_MSE:ta>.
16:58:52 DEBUG: Preprocess <#5.ENSO_MSE:ta>: call ExtractLevelFunction
16:58:52 DEBUG: Exit ExtractLevelFunction for <#5.ENSO_MSE:ta>: no level requested.
16:58:52 DEBUG: Preprocess <#5.ENSO_MSE:ta>: call RenameVariablesFunction
16:58:52 DEBUG: Rename Z axis of <#5.ENSO_MSE:ta> from 'plev' to 'lev'.
16:58:52 INFO: Writing to $WK_DIR/ENSO_MSE/mon/
16:58:52 DEBUG: xr.Dataset.to_netcdf on /mdtf/wkdir/MDTF_CESM2_1950_2005/ENSO_MSE/mon/
17:00:11 DEBUG: Successful preprocessor exit on <#5.ENSO_MSE:ta (=ta) @ 1mo>.
17:00:11 INFO: Processing <#6.ENSO_MSE:qa (=hus) @ 1mo>
17:00:11 DEBUG: xr.open_dataset on /mdtf/diagnostics/inputdata/model/CESM2/mon/
17:00:11 WARNING: /miniconda3/envs/_MDTF_base/lib/python3.7/site-packages/xarray/ SerializationWarning: variable 'hus' has multiple fill values {1e+20, 1e+20}, decoding all values to NaN.

17:00:11 DEBUG: Updating name for 'time' to value 'time' from dataset.
17:00:11 DEBUG: Updating bounds for 'time' to value 'time_bnds' from dataset.
17:00:11 DEBUG: Updating name for 'plev' to value 'plev' from dataset.
17:00:11 WARNING: Found unexpected units for variable 'plev': 'Pa' (expected 'hPa').
17:00:11 DEBUG: Updating name for 'lat' to value 'lat' from dataset.
17:00:11 DEBUG: Updating bounds for 'lat' to value 'lat_bnds' from dataset.
17:00:11 DEBUG: Updating name for 'lon' to value 'lon' from dataset.
17:00:11 DEBUG: Updating bounds for 'lon' to value 'lon_bnds' from dataset.
17:00:11 DEBUG: Preprocess <#6.ENSO_MSE:qa>: call CropDateRangeFunction
17:00:11 INFO: Cropped date range of <#6.ENSO_MSE:qa> from '1850-01-15 -- 2014-12-15' to '1950-01-15 -- 2005-12-15'.
17:00:11 DEBUG: Preprocess <#6.ENSO_MSE:qa>: call PrecipRateToFluxFunction
17:00:11 DEBUG: Preprocess <#6.ENSO_MSE:qa>: call ConvertUnitsFunction
17:00:11 DEBUG: Source, dest units of 'hus' (specific_humidity) identical (1); no conversion done.
17:00:11 DEBUG: Convert units of 'plev' (air_pressure) from 'Pa' to 'hPa'.
17:00:11 DEBUG: Source, dest units of 'lat' (latitude) identical (degrees_north); no conversion done.
17:00:11 DEBUG: Source, dest units of 'lat_bnds' identical (degrees_north); no conversion done.
17:00:11 DEBUG: Source, dest units of 'lon' (longitude) identical (degrees_east); no conversion done.
17:00:11 DEBUG: Source, dest units of 'lon_bnds' identical (degrees_east); no conversion done.
17:00:11 INFO: Converted units on <#6.ENSO_MSE:qa>.
17:00:11 DEBUG: Preprocess <#6.ENSO_MSE:qa>: call ExtractLevelFunction
17:00:11 DEBUG: Exit ExtractLevelFunction for <#6.ENSO_MSE:qa>: no level requested.
17:00:11 DEBUG: Preprocess <#6.ENSO_MSE:qa>: call RenameVariablesFunction
17:00:11 DEBUG: Rename 'hus' variable in <#6.ENSO_MSE:qa> to 'qa'.
17:00:11 DEBUG: Rename Z axis of <#6.ENSO_MSE:qa> from 'plev' to 'lev'.
17:00:11 INFO: Writing to $WK_DIR/ENSO_MSE/mon/
17:00:11 DEBUG: xr.Dataset.to_netcdf on /mdtf/wkdir/MDTF_CESM2_1950_2005/ENSO_MSE/mon/
17:01:40 DEBUG: Successful preprocessor exit on <#6.ENSO_MSE:qa (=qa) @ 1mo>.
17:01:40 INFO: Processing <#7.ENSO_MSE:omega (=wap) @ 1mo>
17:01:40 DEBUG: xr.open_dataset on /mdtf/diagnostics/inputdata/model/CESM2/mon/
17:01:40 WARNING: /miniconda3/envs/_MDTF_base/lib/python3.7/site-packages/xarray/ SerializationWarning: variable 'wap' has multiple fill values {1e+20, 1e+20}, decoding all values to NaN.

17:01:40 DEBUG: Updating name for 'time' to value 'time' from dataset.
17:01:40 DEBUG: Updating bounds for 'time' to value 'time_bnds' from dataset.
17:01:40 DEBUG: Updating name for 'plev' to value 'plev' from dataset.
17:01:40 WARNING: Found unexpected units for variable 'plev': 'Pa' (expected 'hPa').
17:01:40 DEBUG: Updating name for 'lat' to value 'lat' from dataset.
17:01:40 DEBUG: Updating bounds for 'lat' to value 'lat_bnds' from dataset.
17:01:40 DEBUG: Updating name for 'lon' to value 'lon' from dataset.
17:01:40 DEBUG: Updating bounds for 'lon' to value 'lon_bnds' from dataset.
17:01:40 DEBUG: Preprocess <#7.ENSO_MSE:omega>: call CropDateRangeFunction
17:01:40 INFO: Cropped date range of <#7.ENSO_MSE:omega> from '1850-01-15 -- 2014-12-15' to '1950-01-15 -- 2005-12-15'.
17:01:40 DEBUG: Preprocess <#7.ENSO_MSE:omega>: call PrecipRateToFluxFunction
17:01:40 DEBUG: Preprocess <#7.ENSO_MSE:omega>: call ConvertUnitsFunction
17:01:40 DEBUG: Source, dest units of 'wap' (lagrangian_tendency_of_air_pressure) identical (Pa s-1); no conversion done.
17:01:40 DEBUG: Convert units of 'plev' (air_pressure) from 'Pa' to 'hPa'.
17:01:40 DEBUG: Source, dest units of 'lat' (latitude) identical (degrees_north); no conversion done.
17:01:40 DEBUG: Source, dest units of 'lat_bnds' identical (degrees_north); no conversion done.
17:01:40 DEBUG: Source, dest units of 'lon' (longitude) identical (degrees_east); no conversion done.
17:01:40 DEBUG: Source, dest units of 'lon_bnds' identical (degrees_east); no conversion done.
17:01:40 INFO: Converted units on <#7.ENSO_MSE:omega>.
17:01:40 DEBUG: Preprocess <#7.ENSO_MSE:omega>: call ExtractLevelFunction
17:01:40 DEBUG: Exit ExtractLevelFunction for <#7.ENSO_MSE:omega>: no level requested.
17:01:40 DEBUG: Preprocess <#7.ENSO_MSE:omega>: call RenameVariablesFunction
17:01:40 DEBUG: Rename 'wap' variable in <#7.ENSO_MSE:omega> to 'omega'.
17:01:40 DEBUG: Rename Z axis of <#7.ENSO_MSE:omega> from 'plev' to 'lev'.
17:01:40 INFO: Writing to $WK_DIR/ENSO_MSE/mon/
17:01:40 DEBUG: xr.Dataset.to_netcdf on /mdtf/wkdir/MDTF_CESM2_1950_2005/ENSO_MSE/mon/
17:03:27 DEBUG: Successful preprocessor exit on <#7.ENSO_MSE:omega (=omega) @ 1mo>.
17:03:27 INFO: Processing <#8.ENSO_MSE:pr (=pr) @ 1mo>
17:03:27 DEBUG: xr.open_dataset on /mdtf/diagnostics/inputdata/model/CESM2/mon/
17:03:27 WARNING: /miniconda3/envs/_MDTF_base/lib/python3.7/site-packages/xarray/ SerializationWarning: variable 'pr' has multiple fill values {1e+20, 1e+20}, decoding all values to NaN.

17:03:27 DEBUG: Updating name for 'time' to value 'time' from dataset.
17:03:27 DEBUG: Updating bounds for 'time' to value 'time_bnds' from dataset.
17:03:27 DEBUG: Updating name for 'lat' to value 'lat' from dataset.
17:03:27 DEBUG: Updating bounds for 'lat' to value 'lat_bnds' from dataset.
17:03:27 DEBUG: Updating name for 'lon' to value 'lon' from dataset.
17:03:27 DEBUG: Updating bounds for 'lon' to value 'lon_bnds' from dataset.
17:03:27 DEBUG: Preprocess <#8.ENSO_MSE:pr>: call CropDateRangeFunction
17:03:27 INFO: Cropped date range of <#8.ENSO_MSE:pr> from '1850-01-15 -- 2014-12-15' to '1950-01-15 -- 2005-12-15'.
17:03:27 DEBUG: Preprocess <#8.ENSO_MSE:pr>: call PrecipRateToFluxFunction
17:03:27 DEBUG: Preprocess <#8.ENSO_MSE:pr>: call ConvertUnitsFunction
17:03:27 DEBUG: Source, dest units of 'pr' (precipitation_flux) identical (kg m-2 s-1); no conversion done.
17:03:27 DEBUG: Source, dest units of 'lat' (latitude) identical (degrees_north); no conversion done.
17:03:27 DEBUG: Source, dest units of 'lat_bnds' identical (degrees_north); no conversion done.
17:03:27 DEBUG: Source, dest units of 'lon' (longitude) identical (degrees_east); no conversion done.
17:03:27 DEBUG: Source, dest units of 'lon_bnds' identical (degrees_east); no conversion done.
17:03:27 INFO: Converted units on <#8.ENSO_MSE:pr>.
17:03:27 DEBUG: Preprocess <#8.ENSO_MSE:pr>: call ExtractLevelFunction
17:03:27 DEBUG: Exit ExtractLevelFunction for <#8.ENSO_MSE:pr>: no level requested.
17:03:27 DEBUG: Preprocess <#8.ENSO_MSE:pr>: call RenameVariablesFunction
17:03:27 INFO: Writing to $WK_DIR/ENSO_MSE/mon/
17:03:27 DEBUG: xr.Dataset.to_netcdf on /mdtf/wkdir/MDTF_CESM2_1950_2005/ENSO_MSE/mon/
17:03:32 DEBUG: Successful preprocessor exit on <#8.ENSO_MSE:pr (=pr) @ 1mo>.
17:03:32 INFO: Processing <#9.ENSO_MSE:ts (=ts) @ 1mo>
17:03:32 DEBUG: xr.open_dataset on /mdtf/diagnostics/inputdata/model/CESM2/mon/
17:03:32 WARNING: /miniconda3/envs/_MDTF_base/lib/python3.7/site-packages/xarray/ SerializationWarning: variable 'ts' has multiple fill values {1e+20, 1e+20}, decoding all values to NaN.

17:03:32 DEBUG: Updating name for 'time' to value 'time' from dataset.
17:03:32 DEBUG: Updating bounds for 'time' to value 'time_bnds' from dataset.
17:03:32 DEBUG: Updating name for 'lat' to value 'lat' from dataset.
17:03:32 DEBUG: Updating bounds for 'lat' to value 'lat_bnds' from dataset.
17:03:32 DEBUG: Updating name for 'lon' to value 'lon' from dataset.
17:03:32 DEBUG: Updating bounds for 'lon' to value 'lon_bnds' from dataset.
17:03:32 DEBUG: Preprocess <#9.ENSO_MSE:ts>: call CropDateRangeFunction
17:03:32 INFO: Cropped date range of <#9.ENSO_MSE:ts> from '1850-01-15 -- 2014-12-15' to '1950-01-15 -- 2005-12-15'.
17:03:32 DEBUG: Preprocess <#9.ENSO_MSE:ts>: call PrecipRateToFluxFunction
17:03:32 DEBUG: Preprocess <#9.ENSO_MSE:ts>: call ConvertUnitsFunction
17:03:32 DEBUG: Source, dest units of 'ts' (surface_temperature) identical (K); no conversion done.
17:03:32 DEBUG: Source, dest units of 'lat' (latitude) identical (degrees_north); no conversion done.
17:03:32 DEBUG: Source, dest units of 'lat_bnds' identical (degrees_north); no conversion done.
17:03:32 DEBUG: Source, dest units of 'lon' (longitude) identical (degrees_east); no conversion done.
17:03:32 DEBUG: Source, dest units of 'lon_bnds' identical (degrees_east); no conversion done.
17:03:32 INFO: Converted units on <#9.ENSO_MSE:ts>.
17:03:32 DEBUG: Preprocess <#9.ENSO_MSE:ts>: call ExtractLevelFunction
17:03:32 DEBUG: Exit ExtractLevelFunction for <#9.ENSO_MSE:ts>: no level requested.
17:03:32 DEBUG: Preprocess <#9.ENSO_MSE:ts>: call RenameVariablesFunction
17:03:32 INFO: Writing to $WK_DIR/ENSO_MSE/mon/
17:03:32 DEBUG: xr.Dataset.to_netcdf on /mdtf/wkdir/MDTF_CESM2_1950_2005/ENSO_MSE/mon/
17:03:36 DEBUG: Successful preprocessor exit on <#9.ENSO_MSE:ts (=ts) @ 1mo>.
17:03:36 INFO: Processing <#10.ENSO_MSE:hfss (=hfss) @ 1mo>
17:03:36 DEBUG: xr.open_dataset on /mdtf/diagnostics/inputdata/model/CESM2/mon/
17:03:36 WARNING: /miniconda3/envs/_MDTF_base/lib/python3.7/site-packages/xarray/ SerializationWarning: variable 'hfss' has multiple fill values {1e+20, 1e+20}, decoding all values to NaN.

17:03:36 DEBUG: Updating name for 'time' to value 'time' from dataset.
17:03:36 DEBUG: Updating bounds for 'time' to value 'time_bnds' from dataset.
17:03:36 DEBUG: Updating name for 'lat' to value 'lat' from dataset.
17:03:36 DEBUG: Updating bounds for 'lat' to value 'lat_bnds' from dataset.
17:03:36 DEBUG: Updating name for 'lon' to value 'lon' from dataset.
17:03:36 DEBUG: Updating bounds for 'lon' to value 'lon_bnds' from dataset.
17:03:36 DEBUG: Preprocess <#10.ENSO_MSE:hfss>: call CropDateRangeFunction
17:03:36 INFO: Cropped date range of <#10.ENSO_MSE:hfss> from '1850-01-15 -- 2014-12-15' to '1950-01-15 -- 2005-12-15'.
17:03:36 DEBUG: Preprocess <#10.ENSO_MSE:hfss>: call PrecipRateToFluxFunction
17:03:36 DEBUG: Preprocess <#10.ENSO_MSE:hfss>: call ConvertUnitsFunction
17:03:36 DEBUG: Source, dest units of 'hfss' (surface_upward_sensible_heat_flux) identical (W m-2); no conversion done.
17:03:36 DEBUG: Source, dest units of 'lat' (latitude) identical (degrees_north); no conversion done.
17:03:36 DEBUG: Source, dest units of 'lat_bnds' identical (degrees_north); no conversion done.
17:03:36 DEBUG: Source, dest units of 'lon' (longitude) identical (degrees_east); no conversion done.
17:03:36 DEBUG: Source, dest units of 'lon_bnds' identical (degrees_east); no conversion done.
17:03:36 INFO: Converted units on <#10.ENSO_MSE:hfss>.
17:03:36 DEBUG: Preprocess <#10.ENSO_MSE:hfss>: call ExtractLevelFunction
17:03:36 DEBUG: Exit ExtractLevelFunction for <#10.ENSO_MSE:hfss>: no level requested.
17:03:36 DEBUG: Preprocess <#10.ENSO_MSE:hfss>: call RenameVariablesFunction
17:03:36 INFO: Writing to $WK_DIR/ENSO_MSE/mon/
17:03:36 DEBUG: xr.Dataset.to_netcdf on /mdtf/wkdir/MDTF_CESM2_1950_2005/ENSO_MSE/mon/
17:03:41 DEBUG: Successful preprocessor exit on <#10.ENSO_MSE:hfss (=hfss) @ 1mo>.
17:03:41 INFO: Processing <#11.ENSO_MSE:hfls (=hfls) @ 1mo>
17:03:41 DEBUG: xr.open_dataset on /mdtf/diagnostics/inputdata/model/CESM2/mon/
17:03:41 WARNING: /miniconda3/envs/_MDTF_base/lib/python3.7/site-packages/xarray/ SerializationWarning: variable 'hfls' has multiple fill values {1e+20, 1e+20}, decoding all values to NaN.

17:03:41 DEBUG: Updating name for 'time' to value 'time' from dataset.
17:03:41 DEBUG: Updating bounds for 'time' to value 'time_bnds' from dataset.
17:03:41 DEBUG: Updating name for 'lat' to value 'lat' from dataset.
17:03:41 DEBUG: Updating bounds for 'lat' to value 'lat_bnds' from dataset.
17:03:41 DEBUG: Updating name for 'lon' to value 'lon' from dataset.
17:03:41 DEBUG: Updating bounds for 'lon' to value 'lon_bnds' from dataset.
17:03:41 DEBUG: Preprocess <#11.ENSO_MSE:hfls>: call CropDateRangeFunction
17:03:41 INFO: Cropped date range of <#11.ENSO_MSE:hfls> from '1850-01-15 -- 2014-12-15' to '1950-01-15 -- 2005-12-15'.
17:03:41 DEBUG: Preprocess <#11.ENSO_MSE:hfls>: call PrecipRateToFluxFunction
17:03:41 DEBUG: Preprocess <#11.ENSO_MSE:hfls>: call ConvertUnitsFunction
17:03:41 DEBUG: Source, dest units of 'hfls' (surface_upward_latent_heat_flux) identical (W m-2); no conversion done.
17:03:41 DEBUG: Source, dest units of 'lat' (latitude) identical (degrees_north); no conversion done.
17:03:41 DEBUG: Source, dest units of 'lat_bnds' identical (degrees_north); no conversion done.
17:03:41 DEBUG: Source, dest units of 'lon' (longitude) identical (degrees_east); no conversion done.
17:03:41 DEBUG: Source, dest units of 'lon_bnds' identical (degrees_east); no conversion done.
17:03:41 INFO: Converted units on <#11.ENSO_MSE:hfls>.
17:03:41 DEBUG: Preprocess <#11.ENSO_MSE:hfls>: call ExtractLevelFunction
17:03:41 DEBUG: Exit ExtractLevelFunction for <#11.ENSO_MSE:hfls>: no level requested.
17:03:41 DEBUG: Preprocess <#11.ENSO_MSE:hfls>: call RenameVariablesFunction
17:03:41 INFO: Writing to $WK_DIR/ENSO_MSE/mon/
17:03:41 DEBUG: xr.Dataset.to_netcdf on /mdtf/wkdir/MDTF_CESM2_1950_2005/ENSO_MSE/mon/
17:03:46 DEBUG: Successful preprocessor exit on <#11.ENSO_MSE:hfls (=hfls) @ 1mo>.
17:03:46 INFO: Processing <#12.ENSO_MSE:rsus (=rsus) @ 1mo>
17:03:46 DEBUG: xr.open_dataset on /mdtf/diagnostics/inputdata/model/CESM2/mon/
17:03:46 WARNING: /miniconda3/envs/_MDTF_base/lib/python3.7/site-packages/xarray/ SerializationWarning: variable 'rsus' has multiple fill values {1e+20, 1e+20}, decoding all values to NaN.

17:03:46 DEBUG: Updating name for 'time' to value 'time' from dataset.
17:03:46 DEBUG: Updating bounds for 'time' to value 'time_bnds' from dataset.
17:03:46 DEBUG: Updating name for 'lat' to value 'lat' from dataset.
17:03:46 DEBUG: Updating bounds for 'lat' to value 'lat_bnds' from dataset.
17:03:46 DEBUG: Updating name for 'lon' to value 'lon' from dataset.
17:03:46 DEBUG: Updating bounds for 'lon' to value 'lon_bnds' from dataset.
17:03:46 DEBUG: Preprocess <#12.ENSO_MSE:rsus>: call CropDateRangeFunction
17:03:46 INFO: Cropped date range of <#12.ENSO_MSE:rsus> from '1850-01-15 -- 2014-12-15' to '1950-01-15 -- 2005-12-15'.
17:03:46 DEBUG: Preprocess <#12.ENSO_MSE:rsus>: call PrecipRateToFluxFunction
17:03:46 DEBUG: Preprocess <#12.ENSO_MSE:rsus>: call ConvertUnitsFunction
17:03:46 DEBUG: Source, dest units of 'rsus' (surface_upwelling_shortwave_flux_in_air) identical (W m-2); no conversion done.
17:03:46 DEBUG: Source, dest units of 'lat' (latitude) identical (degrees_north); no conversion done.
17:03:46 DEBUG: Source, dest units of 'lat_bnds' identical (degrees_north); no conversion done.
17:03:46 DEBUG: Source, dest units of 'lon' (longitude) identical (degrees_east); no conversion done.
17:03:46 DEBUG: Source, dest units of 'lon_bnds' identical (degrees_east); no conversion done.
17:03:46 INFO: Converted units on <#12.ENSO_MSE:rsus>.
17:03:46 DEBUG: Preprocess <#12.ENSO_MSE:rsus>: call ExtractLevelFunction
17:03:46 DEBUG: Exit ExtractLevelFunction for <#12.ENSO_MSE:rsus>: no level requested.
17:03:46 DEBUG: Preprocess <#12.ENSO_MSE:rsus>: call RenameVariablesFunction
17:03:46 INFO: Writing to $WK_DIR/ENSO_MSE/mon/
17:03:46 DEBUG: xr.Dataset.to_netcdf on /mdtf/wkdir/MDTF_CESM2_1950_2005/ENSO_MSE/mon/
17:03:52 DEBUG: Successful preprocessor exit on <#12.ENSO_MSE:rsus (=rsus) @ 1mo>.
17:03:52 INFO: Processing <#13.ENSO_MSE:rsds (=rsds) @ 1mo>
17:03:52 DEBUG: xr.open_dataset on /mdtf/diagnostics/inputdata/model/CESM2/mon/
17:03:52 WARNING: /miniconda3/envs/_MDTF_base/lib/python3.7/site-packages/xarray/ SerializationWarning: variable 'rsds' has multiple fill values {1e+20, 1e+20}, decoding all values to NaN.

17:03:52 DEBUG: Updating name for 'time' to value 'time' from dataset.
17:03:52 DEBUG: Updating bounds for 'time' to value 'time_bnds' from dataset.
17:03:52 DEBUG: Updating name for 'lat' to value 'lat' from dataset.
17:03:52 DEBUG: Updating bounds for 'lat' to value 'lat_bnds' from dataset.
17:03:52 DEBUG: Updating name for 'lon' to value 'lon' from dataset.
17:03:52 DEBUG: Updating bounds for 'lon' to value 'lon_bnds' from dataset.
17:03:52 DEBUG: Preprocess <#13.ENSO_MSE:rsds>: call CropDateRangeFunction
17:03:52 INFO: Cropped date range of <#13.ENSO_MSE:rsds> from '1850-01-15 -- 2014-12-15' to '1950-01-15 -- 2005-12-15'.
17:03:52 DEBUG: Preprocess <#13.ENSO_MSE:rsds>: call PrecipRateToFluxFunction
17:03:52 DEBUG: Preprocess <#13.ENSO_MSE:rsds>: call ConvertUnitsFunction
17:03:52 DEBUG: Source, dest units of 'rsds' (surface_downwelling_shortwave_flux_in_air) identical (W m-2); no conversion done.
17:03:52 DEBUG: Source, dest units of 'lat' (latitude) identical (degrees_north); no conversion done.
17:03:52 DEBUG: Source, dest units of 'lat_bnds' identical (degrees_north); no conversion done.
17:03:52 DEBUG: Source, dest units of 'lon' (longitude) identical (degrees_east); no conversion done.
17:03:52 DEBUG: Source, dest units of 'lon_bnds' identical (degrees_east); no conversion done.
17:03:52 INFO: Converted units on <#13.ENSO_MSE:rsds>.
17:03:52 DEBUG: Preprocess <#13.ENSO_MSE:rsds>: call ExtractLevelFunction
17:03:52 DEBUG: Exit ExtractLevelFunction for <#13.ENSO_MSE:rsds>: no level requested.
17:03:52 DEBUG: Preprocess <#13.ENSO_MSE:rsds>: call RenameVariablesFunction
17:03:52 INFO: Writing to $WK_DIR/ENSO_MSE/mon/
17:03:52 DEBUG: xr.Dataset.to_netcdf on /mdtf/wkdir/MDTF_CESM2_1950_2005/ENSO_MSE/mon/
17:03:57 DEBUG: Successful preprocessor exit on <#13.ENSO_MSE:rsds (=rsds) @ 1mo>.
17:03:57 INFO: Processing <#14.ENSO_MSE:rsdt (=rsdt) @ 1mo>
17:03:57 DEBUG: xr.open_dataset on /mdtf/diagnostics/inputdata/model/CESM2/mon/
17:03:57 WARNING: /miniconda3/envs/_MDTF_base/lib/python3.7/site-packages/xarray/ SerializationWarning: variable 'rsdt' has multiple fill values {1e+20, 1e+20}, decoding all values to NaN.

17:03:57 DEBUG: Updating name for 'time' to value 'time' from dataset.
17:03:57 DEBUG: Updating bounds for 'time' to value 'time_bnds' from dataset.
17:03:57 DEBUG: Updating name for 'lat' to value 'lat' from dataset.
17:03:57 DEBUG: Updating bounds for 'lat' to value 'lat_bnds' from dataset.
17:03:57 DEBUG: Updating name for 'lon' to value 'lon' from dataset.
17:03:57 DEBUG: Updating bounds for 'lon' to value 'lon_bnds' from dataset.
17:03:57 DEBUG: Preprocess <#14.ENSO_MSE:rsdt>: call CropDateRangeFunction
17:03:57 INFO: Cropped date range of <#14.ENSO_MSE:rsdt> from '1850-01-15 -- 2014-12-15' to '1950-01-15 -- 2005-12-15'.
17:03:57 DEBUG: Preprocess <#14.ENSO_MSE:rsdt>: call PrecipRateToFluxFunction
17:03:57 DEBUG: Preprocess <#14.ENSO_MSE:rsdt>: call ConvertUnitsFunction
17:03:57 DEBUG: Source, dest units of 'rsdt' (toa_incoming_shortwave_flux) identical (W m-2); no conversion done.
17:03:57 DEBUG: Source, dest units of 'lat' (latitude) identical (degrees_north); no conversion done.
17:03:57 DEBUG: Source, dest units of 'lat_bnds' identical (degrees_north); no conversion done.
17:03:57 DEBUG: Source, dest units of 'lon' (longitude) identical (degrees_east); no conversion done.
17:03:57 DEBUG: Source, dest units of 'lon_bnds' identical (degrees_east); no conversion done.
17:03:57 INFO: Converted units on <#14.ENSO_MSE:rsdt>.
17:03:57 DEBUG: Preprocess <#14.ENSO_MSE:rsdt>: call ExtractLevelFunction
17:03:57 DEBUG: Exit ExtractLevelFunction for <#14.ENSO_MSE:rsdt>: no level requested.
17:03:57 DEBUG: Preprocess <#14.ENSO_MSE:rsdt>: call RenameVariablesFunction
17:03:57 INFO: Writing to $WK_DIR/ENSO_MSE/mon/
17:03:57 DEBUG: xr.Dataset.to_netcdf on /mdtf/wkdir/MDTF_CESM2_1950_2005/ENSO_MSE/mon/
17:04:00 DEBUG: Successful preprocessor exit on <#14.ENSO_MSE:rsdt (=rsdt) @ 1mo>.
17:04:00 INFO: Processing <#15.ENSO_MSE:rsut (=rsut) @ 1mo>
17:04:00 DEBUG: xr.open_dataset on /mdtf/diagnostics/inputdata/model/CESM2/mon/
17:04:00 WARNING: /miniconda3/envs/_MDTF_base/lib/python3.7/site-packages/xarray/ SerializationWarning: variable 'rsut' has multiple fill values {1e+20, 1e+20}, decoding all values to NaN.

17:04:00 DEBUG: Updating name for 'time' to value 'time' from dataset.
17:04:00 DEBUG: Updating bounds for 'time' to value 'time_bnds' from dataset.
17:04:00 DEBUG: Updating name for 'lat' to value 'lat' from dataset.
17:04:00 DEBUG: Updating bounds for 'lat' to value 'lat_bnds' from dataset.
17:04:00 DEBUG: Updating name for 'lon' to value 'lon' from dataset.
17:04:00 DEBUG: Updating bounds for 'lon' to value 'lon_bnds' from dataset.
17:04:00 DEBUG: Preprocess <#15.ENSO_MSE:rsut>: call CropDateRangeFunction
17:04:00 INFO: Cropped date range of <#15.ENSO_MSE:rsut> from '1850-01-15 -- 2014-12-15' to '1950-01-15 -- 2005-12-15'.
17:04:00 DEBUG: Preprocess <#15.ENSO_MSE:rsut>: call PrecipRateToFluxFunction
17:04:00 DEBUG: Preprocess <#15.ENSO_MSE:rsut>: call ConvertUnitsFunction
17:04:00 DEBUG: Source, dest units of 'rsut' (toa_outgoing_shortwave_flux) identical (W m-2); no conversion done.
17:04:00 DEBUG: Source, dest units of 'lat' (latitude) identical (degrees_north); no conversion done.
17:04:00 DEBUG: Source, dest units of 'lat_bnds' identical (degrees_north); no conversion done.
17:04:00 DEBUG: Source, dest units of 'lon' (longitude) identical (degrees_east); no conversion done.
17:04:00 DEBUG: Source, dest units of 'lon_bnds' identical (degrees_east); no conversion done.
17:04:00 INFO: Converted units on <#15.ENSO_MSE:rsut>.
17:04:00 DEBUG: Preprocess <#15.ENSO_MSE:rsut>: call ExtractLevelFunction
17:04:00 DEBUG: Exit ExtractLevelFunction for <#15.ENSO_MSE:rsut>: no level requested.
17:04:00 DEBUG: Preprocess <#15.ENSO_MSE:rsut>: call RenameVariablesFunction
17:04:00 INFO: Writing to $WK_DIR/ENSO_MSE/mon/
17:04:00 DEBUG: xr.Dataset.to_netcdf on /mdtf/wkdir/MDTF_CESM2_1950_2005/ENSO_MSE/mon/
17:04:05 DEBUG: Successful preprocessor exit on <#15.ENSO_MSE:rsut (=rsut) @ 1mo>.
17:04:05 INFO: Processing <#16.ENSO_MSE:rlus (=rlus) @ 1mo>
17:04:05 DEBUG: xr.open_dataset on /mdtf/diagnostics/inputdata/model/CESM2/mon/
17:04:05 WARNING: /miniconda3/envs/_MDTF_base/lib/python3.7/site-packages/xarray/ SerializationWarning: variable 'rlus' has multiple fill values {1e+20, 1e+20}, decoding all values to NaN.

17:04:05 DEBUG: Updating name for 'time' to value 'time' from dataset.
17:04:05 DEBUG: Updating bounds for 'time' to value 'time_bnds' from dataset.
17:04:05 DEBUG: Updating name for 'lat' to value 'lat' from dataset.
17:04:05 DEBUG: Updating bounds for 'lat' to value 'lat_bnds' from dataset.
17:04:05 DEBUG: Updating name for 'lon' to value 'lon' from dataset.
17:04:05 DEBUG: Updating bounds for 'lon' to value 'lon_bnds' from dataset.
17:04:05 DEBUG: Preprocess <#16.ENSO_MSE:rlus>: call CropDateRangeFunction
17:04:05 INFO: Cropped date range of <#16.ENSO_MSE:rlus> from '1850-01-15 -- 2014-12-15' to '1950-01-15 -- 2005-12-15'.
17:04:05 DEBUG: Preprocess <#16.ENSO_MSE:rlus>: call PrecipRateToFluxFunction
17:04:05 DEBUG: Preprocess <#16.ENSO_MSE:rlus>: call ConvertUnitsFunction
17:04:05 DEBUG: Source, dest units of 'rlus' (surface_upwelling_longwave_flux_in_air) identical (W m-2); no conversion done.
17:04:05 DEBUG: Source, dest units of 'lat' (latitude) identical (degrees_north); no conversion done.
17:04:05 DEBUG: Source, dest units of 'lat_bnds' identical (degrees_north); no conversion done.
17:04:05 DEBUG: Source, dest units of 'lon' (longitude) identical (degrees_east); no conversion done.
17:04:05 DEBUG: Source, dest units of 'lon_bnds' identical (degrees_east); no conversion done.
17:04:05 INFO: Converted units on <#16.ENSO_MSE:rlus>.
17:04:05 DEBUG: Preprocess <#16.ENSO_MSE:rlus>: call ExtractLevelFunction
17:04:05 DEBUG: Exit ExtractLevelFunction for <#16.ENSO_MSE:rlus>: no level requested.
17:04:05 DEBUG: Preprocess <#16.ENSO_MSE:rlus>: call RenameVariablesFunction
17:04:05 INFO: Writing to $WK_DIR/ENSO_MSE/mon/
17:04:05 DEBUG: xr.Dataset.to_netcdf on /mdtf/wkdir/MDTF_CESM2_1950_2005/ENSO_MSE/mon/
17:04:09 DEBUG: Successful preprocessor exit on <#16.ENSO_MSE:rlus (=rlus) @ 1mo>.
17:04:09 INFO: Processing <#17.ENSO_MSE:rlds (=rlds) @ 1mo>
17:04:09 DEBUG: xr.open_dataset on /mdtf/diagnostics/inputdata/model/CESM2/mon/
17:04:10 WARNING: /miniconda3/envs/_MDTF_base/lib/python3.7/site-packages/xarray/ SerializationWarning: variable 'rlds' has multiple fill values {1e+20, 1e+20}, decoding all values to NaN.

17:04:10 DEBUG: Updating name for 'time' to value 'time' from dataset.
17:04:10 DEBUG: Updating bounds for 'time' to value 'time_bnds' from dataset.
17:04:10 DEBUG: Updating name for 'lat' to value 'lat' from dataset.
17:04:10 DEBUG: Updating bounds for 'lat' to value 'lat_bnds' from dataset.
17:04:10 DEBUG: Updating name for 'lon' to value 'lon' from dataset.
17:04:10 DEBUG: Updating bounds for 'lon' to value 'lon_bnds' from dataset.
17:04:10 DEBUG: Preprocess <#17.ENSO_MSE:rlds>: call CropDateRangeFunction
17:04:10 INFO: Cropped date range of <#17.ENSO_MSE:rlds> from '1850-01-15 -- 2014-12-15' to '1950-01-15 -- 2005-12-15'.
17:04:10 DEBUG: Preprocess <#17.ENSO_MSE:rlds>: call PrecipRateToFluxFunction
17:04:10 DEBUG: Preprocess <#17.ENSO_MSE:rlds>: call ConvertUnitsFunction
17:04:10 DEBUG: Source, dest units of 'rlds' (surface_downwelling_longwave_flux_in_air) identical (W m-2); no conversion done.
17:04:10 DEBUG: Source, dest units of 'lat' (latitude) identical (degrees_north); no conversion done.
17:04:10 DEBUG: Source, dest units of 'lat_bnds' identical (degrees_north); no conversion done.
17:04:10 DEBUG: Source, dest units of 'lon' (longitude) identical (degrees_east); no conversion done.
17:04:10 DEBUG: Source, dest units of 'lon_bnds' identical (degrees_east); no conversion done.
17:04:10 INFO: Converted units on <#17.ENSO_MSE:rlds>.
17:04:10 DEBUG: Preprocess <#17.ENSO_MSE:rlds>: call ExtractLevelFunction
17:04:10 DEBUG: Exit ExtractLevelFunction for <#17.ENSO_MSE:rlds>: no level requested.
17:04:10 DEBUG: Preprocess <#17.ENSO_MSE:rlds>: call RenameVariablesFunction
17:04:10 INFO: Writing to $WK_DIR/ENSO_MSE/mon/
17:04:10 DEBUG: xr.Dataset.to_netcdf on /mdtf/wkdir/MDTF_CESM2_1950_2005/ENSO_MSE/mon/
17:04:14 DEBUG: Successful preprocessor exit on <#17.ENSO_MSE:rlds (=rlds) @ 1mo>.
17:04:14 INFO: Processing <#18.ENSO_MSE:rlut (=rlut) @ 1mo>
17:04:14 DEBUG: xr.open_dataset on /mdtf/diagnostics/inputdata/model/CESM2/mon/
17:04:14 WARNING: /miniconda3/envs/_MDTF_base/lib/python3.7/site-packages/xarray/ SerializationWarning: variable 'rlut' has multiple fill values {1e+20, 1e+20}, decoding all values to NaN.

17:04:14 DEBUG: Updating name for 'time' to value 'time' from dataset.
17:04:14 DEBUG: Updating bounds for 'time' to value 'time_bnds' from dataset.
17:04:14 DEBUG: Updating name for 'lat' to value 'lat' from dataset.
17:04:14 DEBUG: Updating bounds for 'lat' to value 'lat_bnds' from dataset.
17:04:14 DEBUG: Updating name for 'lon' to value 'lon' from dataset.
17:04:14 DEBUG: Updating bounds for 'lon' to value 'lon_bnds' from dataset.
17:04:14 DEBUG: Preprocess <#18.ENSO_MSE:rlut>: call CropDateRangeFunction
17:04:14 INFO: Cropped date range of <#18.ENSO_MSE:rlut> from '1850-01-15 -- 2014-12-15' to '1950-01-15 -- 2005-12-15'.
17:04:14 DEBUG: Preprocess <#18.ENSO_MSE:rlut>: call PrecipRateToFluxFunction
17:04:14 DEBUG: Preprocess <#18.ENSO_MSE:rlut>: call ConvertUnitsFunction
17:04:14 DEBUG: Source, dest units of 'rlut' (toa_outgoing_longwave_flux) identical (W m-2); no conversion done.
17:04:14 DEBUG: Source, dest units of 'lat' (latitude) identical (degrees_north); no conversion done.
17:04:14 DEBUG: Source, dest units of 'lat_bnds' identical (degrees_north); no conversion done.
17:04:14 DEBUG: Source, dest units of 'lon' (longitude) identical (degrees_east); no conversion done.
17:04:14 DEBUG: Source, dest units of 'lon_bnds' identical (degrees_east); no conversion done.
17:04:14 INFO: Converted units on <#18.ENSO_MSE:rlut>.
17:04:14 DEBUG: Preprocess <#18.ENSO_MSE:rlut>: call ExtractLevelFunction
17:04:14 DEBUG: Exit ExtractLevelFunction for <#18.ENSO_MSE:rlut>: no level requested.
17:04:14 DEBUG: Preprocess <#18.ENSO_MSE:rlut>: call RenameVariablesFunction
17:04:14 INFO: Writing to $WK_DIR/ENSO_MSE/mon/
17:04:14 DEBUG: xr.Dataset.to_netcdf on /mdtf/wkdir/MDTF_CESM2_1950_2005/ENSO_MSE/mon/
17:04:18 DEBUG: Successful preprocessor exit on <#18.ENSO_MSE:rlut (=rlut) @ 1mo>.
17:04:18 INFO: ### Framework: run CESM2
17:04:19 INFO: Runtime: run ENSO_MSE
17:04:19 INFO: ### Starting ENSO_MSE

17:04:19 DEBUG: Found program python
17:04:19 INFO: 	ENSO_MSE will run in conda env '_MDTF_ENSO_MSE'
17:04:19 INFO: 	Calling python $POD_CODE_DIR/
17:04:19 INFO: Runtime: completed
17:04:19 WARNING: index.html: CESM2 exists, deleting.
17:04:19 INFO: CESM2: Overwriting /mdtf/wkdir/MDTF_CESM2_1950_2005/config_save.json.
17:04:19 DEBUG: Writing file /mdtf/wkdir/MDTF_CESM2_1950_2005/config_save.json
17:04:19 DEBUG: Execution for CASENAME 'CESM2' couldn't be completed successfully.
17:04:19 INFO: 
17:04:19 INFO: Exiting with errors from /mdtf/MDTF-diagnostics/src/
17:04:19 INFO: Summary for CESM2:
17:04:19 INFO: 	The following PODs raised errors: ENSO_MSE
17:04:19 INFO: 	Output written to /mdtf/wkdir/MDTF_CESM2_1950_2005

Hi @wrongkindofdoctor ,
Apologies for letting this go stale -- if you haven't fixed it, it looks like the env vars aren't getting set because they're specified in the wrong place in the settings file: They should be in a dict called pod_env_vars under settings. See convective_transition_diag for an example:

"settings" : {
"driver" : "",
"long_name" : "Convection Transition",
"realm" : "atmos",
"description" : "Convective transition diagnostics",
"pod_env_vars" : {
// optional pod-specific shell environment variables:
// Specify parameters for Convective Transition Diagnostic Package.
// BULK_TROPOSPHERIC_TEMPERATURE_MEASURE: Set to one of the values "tave"
// or "qsat_int" to use that variable as the Bulk Tropospheric Temperature
// Measure.
// RES: set Spatial Resolution (degree) for TMI Data (0.25, 0.50, 1.00).
"RES" : "1.00",
// SAVE_TAVE_QSAT_INT: save tave and qsat_int files (0=no, 1=yes).
"runtime_requirements": {
"python3": ["numpy", "scipy", "matplotlib", "netCDF4", "numba", "networkx"]

Also note that the names of env vars are just passed through and are case sensitive, so slon1 won't be converted to SLON_1.

@tsjackson-noaa--Thanks-I was just about to dig into this!

@jhafner2--please update your settings.jsonc file as described above. If you've merged in my suggested changes, you can remove the hard-coded os.environ calls that set the pod env vars in the ENSO_MSE POD.