
Fix GFDL site-specific implementation

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The site-specific implementation of the framework is broken in the current code state. running ./mdtf -f <runtime_config file> --site=NOAA_GFDL --data_manager=GFDL_pp launches the GFDL configuration in the sites/NOAA_GFDL directory, and yields the following error during the attributes definition in src/data_manager/dataSourceBase.init:

CRITICAL: **********************************************************************
CRITICAL: **********************************************************************
Uncaught exception:
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "/net/Jessica.Liptak/mdtf/MDTF-diagnostics/", line 66, in <module>
    exit_code = main()
  File "/net/Jessica.Liptak/mdtf/MDTF-diagnostics/", line 62, in main
    exit_code = framework.main()
  File "/net/Jessica.Liptak/mdtf/MDTF-diagnostics/src/", line 1071, in main
    case = self.DataSource(case_d, parent=self)
  File "/net/Jessica.Liptak/mdtf/MDTF-diagnostics/src/util/", line 42, in __call__
    instance = abc.ABCMeta.__call__(cls, *args, **kwargs)
  File "/net/Jessica.Liptak/mdtf/MDTF-diagnostics/sites/NOAA_GFDL/", line 449, in __init__
    super(GfdlppDataManager, self).__init__(case_dict, parent)
  File "/net/Jessica.Liptak/mdtf/MDTF-diagnostics/sites/NOAA_GFDL/", line 223, in __init__
    super(GFDL_GCP_FileDataSourceBase, self).__init__(case_dict, parent)
  File "/net/Jessica.Liptak/mdtf/MDTF-diagnostics/src/", line 808, in __init__
    super(DataframeQueryDataSourceBase, self).__init__(case_dict, parent)
  File "/net/Jessica.Liptak/mdtf/MDTF-diagnostics/src/", line 238, in __init__
    case_dict, self._AttributesClass, log=self.log, init=True
  File "/net/Jessica.Liptak/mdtf/MDTF-diagnostics/src/util/", line 824, in coerce_to_dataclass
    return dc(**new_kwargs)
  File "<string>", line 10, in __init__
  File "/net/Jessica.Liptak/mdtf/MDTF-diagnostics/src/util/", line 583, in _new_post_init
    _old_post_init(self, *args, **kwargs)
TypeError: __post_init__() takes 1 positional argument but 2 were given

The source of the error is missing arguments in the class __post_init() method:

    def __post_init__(self):
        """Validate user input.
        super(PPDataSourceAttributes, self).__post_init__()
        config = core.ConfigManager()

that overrides the src/util/ __new_post_init method:
def _new_post_init(self, *args, **kwargs):

_new_post_init specifies *args and **kwargs parameters that are missing from the super(PPDataSourceAttributes, self).__post_init__() call, leading to the positional argument error.

Adding the *args and **kwargs parameters to the PPDataSourceAttributes __post_init declaration and super().__post_init() call therein (self is implicitly passed as an argument) appears to solve the issue.

Similarly, adding a parent parameter to the obj_init call in new() fixes the error:

CRITICAL: **********************************************************************
Uncaught exception:
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "/net/Jessica.Liptak/mdtf/MDTF-diagnostics/", line 66, in <module>
    exit_code = main()
  File "/net/Jessica.Liptak/mdtf/MDTF-diagnostics/", line 62, in main
    exit_code = framework.main()
  File "/net/Jessica.Liptak/mdtf/MDTF-diagnostics/src/", line 1071, in main
    case = self.DataSource(case_d, parent=self)
  File "/net/Jessica.Liptak/mdtf/MDTF-diagnostics/sites/NOAA_GFDL/", line 600, in __new__
TypeError: __init__() missing 1 required positional argument: 'parent'