
Issue running MDTF wrapper script from GFDL fre/frepp workflow

Closed this issue · 0 comments

Bug Severity

  • 1 = Minor problem that does not affect total framework functionality (e.g., computation error in a POD, problem with logging output, or an issue on a single system

Describe the bug
MDTF is intended to be run as part of the GFDL FRE workflow. Couple of minor changes are necessary to make this happen, to catch up with the present version of MDTF. The bug reveals the malfunction of command line options in some cases for the GFDL_PP manager.
Thus, a complete workaround will be proposed and submitted soon
Steps To Reproduce
GFDL Internal testing notes:

1- test runscript directly that is populated using frepp -A: /nbhome/a1r/mdtf/MDTF-diagnostics/frepp-runscripts/mdtf_gfdl.am4_issue345.csh

2- test new wrapper script as part of frepp workflow. Please test the current wrapper script included in the analysis switch of a sample FRE XML to make sure nothing is missed out and the runscript is populated as expected.

3- current wrapper script has been tested with only one POD successfully. While this is sufficient for this particular PR, testing with more than one POD to make sure there is no hanging behavior would help understand if there is an issue in general, or just in my environment.

Describe the system environment:
GFDL analysis nodes