
Debug mixed_layer_depth POD: module 'xarray' has no attribute 'ufuncs'

Closed this issue · 2 comments

Bug Severity

  • 1 = Minor problem that does not affect total framework functionality (e.g., computation error in a POD, problem with logging output, or an issue on a single system
  • 2 = Major problem that affects overall functionality, but that does not occur for all users (e.g., problems installing the framework with a specific Conda version, a framework option that causes one or more PODs to fail, or missing/incompatible Python modules).
  • 3 = Catastrophic problem that occurs frequently for multiple users and/or on multiple systems (e.g.,framework consistently fails to install on multiple systems, or one or more PODs continuously fails after running successfully)

Describe the bug
When testing this POD with ESM4 output, File "/arch0/wnd/MDTF-GFDL/mdtf/MDTF-diagnostics/diagnostics/mixed_layer_depth/", line 229, in compute mld
mld = mld.where(~xr.ufuncs.isnan(mld), bottom_depth)
AttributeError: module 'xarray' has no attribute 'ufuncs'

Steps To Reproduce
I am using the updated version and have submitted the job using the following command: sbatch ./mdtf_slurm -f sites/NOAA_GFDL/default_gfdl.jsonc --site NOAA_GFDL -v

Describe the system environment:

  • OS: [e.g. RHEL 7.2]
  • Conda version: [the conda info command will provide the installation information]
  • branch name and link: [git hash/branch: b29208a (on test0716)]

Log information and/or terminal output

@Wen-hao-Dong I fixed this issue in a recent update. Sync your branch(es) with the latest main branch and this should fix the error.

@wrongkindofdoctor You are right, the above issue has been resolved after updating my branch. But now it failed due to TimeoutError: [Errno 110] Connection timed out
Please see the log file here:/archive/wnd/MDTF-GFDL/wkdir/MDTF_ESM4_historical_D1_2000_2004.v6/mixed_layer_depth/mixed_layer_depth.log