
Diagnostics doesn't work with recent update in "pydantic" library.

Opened this issue · 3 comments

Discussed in #490

Originally posted by hanjunkim0617 October 26, 2023
Hello everyone.

I'm now testing the diagnostics in various environment,
and finding that diagnostic does not work with recent update in "pydantic" library.

For me, it was solved if I downgrade the "pydantic" in _MDTF_base environment as below.

conda activate _MDTF_base
conda install -c conda-forge pydantic==1.10.12

screenshots for error are attached.

Best regards,


Hi, @hanjunkim0617. I've moved this conversation to an issue. Could you please provide some more information:
-the OS you are using
-the branch you are working with, and the version of the package if you have checked out a specific tag.

Note that I am working on upgrading the environments to python 3.11, and a adding support for environment installation with micromamba to improve performance. The upgrade may solve the pydantic issue as several of the package versions will be changed in the base and python environments. I'll notify you when the updates are ready to merge if you want to try them yourself.


I'm using the cluster with Ubuntu 20.04.6 LTS,
For the branch, I tried with "main" and "feature/runoff_sensitivities".
"feature/runoff_sensitivities" is the new branch in which I'm working on adding new diagnostics.
The errors are the same regardless of the branch.

I'm happy to try again if the new version comes out:)

Thank you!
Best regards,

@hanjunkim0617 I've merged the updates into the main branch. Please sync your branches, rebuild the environments, and let me know if you have any more problems.