read_netCDF_data leads to cryptic model failure when rescale value argument is not 1

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Calls to read_netCDF_data() are failing for some fields when the value of the rescale optional argument is not 1. The error messages that are returned are a cryptic warning about invalid memory in the call to handle%close() at about line 2109 of MOM_io.F90, but I suspect that this the result of a segmentation fault earlier in read_netCDF_data_2d().

Can you show the fields or lines where this is happening?

Is it in tidal mixing?

call read_netCDF_data(filename, tideamp_var, CS%tideamp, G%domain, &

call read_netCDF_data(filename, rough_var, CS%h2, G%domain, &

Yes, these are the variables, but I have a pending fix for this bug.