SHiELD_physics/COSP is expected but doesn't exist

Closed this issue · 1 comments

In mk_scripts/mk_paths, there is:

elif [ ${CONFIG} = 'shield' ] ; then
  list_paths -o ${BUILD_ROOT}/Build/exec/${CONFIG}_${COMPILER}/pathnames_gfs \
      GFDL_atmos_cubed_sphere/model/gfdl_cld_mp.F90 \
      GFDL_atmos_cubed_sphere/model/cld_eff_rad.F90 \
      SHiELD_physics/gsmphys/  \
      SHiELD_physics/GFS_layer/ \
      SHiELD_physics/IPD_layer/ \

However I get the error "No such file or directory":

root@4a6714b59553:/SHiELD_SRC/SHiELD_build/Build# mk_scripts/mk_paths shield gnu
find: 'SHiELD_physics/COSP': No such file or directory
A list of the files you checked out is in the file SHiELD_build/Build/exec/shield_gnu/pathnames_gfs.
A list of the files you checked out is in the file SHiELD_build/Build/exec/shield_gnu/pathnames_fv3.

I do not see COSP in SHiELD_physics directory:

root@4a6714b59553:/SHiELD_SRC/SHiELD_build/Build# ls /SHiELD_SRC/SHiELD_physics/
FV3GFS  GFS_layer  IPD_layer  atmos_drivers  gsmphys  simple_coupler

This doesn't seem to break anything, but as far as I can tell it doesn't belong there.

Resolved by PR #12