new icebergs io crashes when using ulm_201505 shared code with FATAL from PE 34: mpp_chksum_int.h was called with real mask_val, and mask_val can not be safely cast to int type of var (nonzero high bits).
nikizadehgfdl opened this issue · 1 comments
nikizadehgfdl commented
After upgrading shared code from ulm to ulm_201505 patch the same restart regression test crashes as follows:
mpp_read_compressed chksum: mass_scaling = 9550000000000000
NOTE from PE 0: mpp_read_compressed chksum: mass_scaling failed!
FATAL from PE 34: mpp_chksum_int.h was called with real mask_val, and mask_val can not be safely cast to int type of var (nonzero high bits).
fms_MOM6_SIS2_com 000000000157787D mpp_mod_mp_mpp_er 52
fms_MOM6_SIS2_com 000000000153CBBB mpp_mod_mp_mpp_ch 43 mpp_chksum_int.h
fms_MOM6_SIS2_com 000000000141AD22 mpp_io_mod_mp_mpp 78 mpp_read_compressed.h
fms_MOM6_SIS2_com 00000000011181CF fms_io_mod_mp_rea 4950 fms_io.F90
fms_MOM6_SIS2_com 0000000000D72335 ice_bergs_io_mp_r 604 icebergs_io.F90
fms_MOM6_SIS2_com 0000000000D3FF4F ice_bergs_mp_iceb 103 icebergs.F90
fms_MOM6_SIS2_com 000000000050A631 ice_model_mod_mp_ 4034 ice_model.F90
fms_MOM6_SIS2_com 000000000040A017 coupler_main_IP_c 1402 coupler_main.F90
fms_MOM6_SIS2_com 0000000000400D6A MAIN__ 385 coupler_main.F90
Note that this is in the 2nd leg of the restart test after the a restart attempt.
Why does fms_io think the file is a compressed files?
nikizadehgfdl commented
This is duplicate of #20