
SoilMoistureProfiles generates an error when running on CONUS that is hard to trace

stcui007 opened this issue · 2 comments

Current Behavior:
In a recent run at CONUS scale, I encountered the following error:
ngen: /home/shengting.cui/ngen_baseline/ngen/extern/SoilMoistureProfiles/SoilMoistureProfiles/src/soil_moisture_profile.cxx:553: void soil_moisture_profile::SoilMoistureProfileFromConceptualReservoir(soil_moisture_profile::soil_profile_parameters*): Assertion parameters->soil_moisture_profile[i] > 0.0' failed.`

This error seems to be related to the following codes in thesoil_moisture_profile.cxx, line 451, 461, 532,where parameters->soil_moisture_profile[i] is set. It is uncertain at the moment whether the error is caused by 0 value of smcmax or satpsi or both at the moment.

Expected behavior:
Keep the code running until it print out all the cat-id's in the form:
time step = XXXX, smcmax[0] = xxxx, satpsi = xxxx, cat_id = xxxx.

@stcui007 could be please pull and rerun? We had checks on zero smcmax but not on satpsi that I just added. Hope it will resolve the issue.

I think I have resolved the problem.