Issues with polygon search for floats in 'select_profiles'

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Searching for floats in a polygon that crosses the 180˚-meridian does not return the correct profiles if the longitudes are +/-180˚-formatted. In that case select_profiles selects floats which are mostly outside the polygon. Specifying 0-360˚ formatted longitudes returns the correct profiles. In the function help text, it is stated that longitudes can be input in any format. Consider clarifying this case in the help text or making sure that subsetting within a polygon across 180˚ works in any longitude format.

lon_lim formatted +/-180˚

lon_lim formatted 0-360˚

One more issue: If the polygon spans more than 180˚ of longitude, regardless of formatting, the selection runs into issues as well. I am trying to select floats between the STF and the SACCF, but had to split it up into two 180˚ sections for the selection to work properly.
