too many tics on vertical axis

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Ryo Furue reports this in the Users List.

We see the too-many tics only in the upper plot when using viewports so it's happening with a x-z plot but not a y-z one.

The following three-line code produces a plot with too many tics on the vertical axis:

set data etopo5
plot/vlimits=-5500:0/y=30S/hlimits=111:115 rose

When I make two panels as

set data etopo5
set view upper
plot/vlimits=-5500:0/y=30S/hlimits=111:115 rose
set view lower
plot/vlimits=-5500:0/x=125/hlimits=36S:32S rose

only the upper panel suffers from the problem.

This is fixed in fer/plt/plot_set_up.F. A setting meant for PLOT/VS plots only was incorrectly applied to plots of dependent variables.