plot/vs/line/symbol/ov fails to plot symbol

ryofurue opened this issue · 2 comments

For an overlay, the "/symbol/" form doesn't seem to work:

  1. plot/line/symbol/ov . . . no symbols
  2. plot/symbol/ov . . . plots symbols
  3. plot/line/symbol=2/ov . . . plots line and symbols

Below is a demonstration.

I use PyFerret v7.63 on macOS 12.4 .

   {1,9,9,1}, {1,1,9,9}
plot/vs/thick/line/color=red/symbol/size=0.5/ov {2,8,8,2}, {2,2,8,8}
plot/vs/thick/color=purple/symbol/size=0.5/ov {3,7,7,3}, {3,3,7,7}
plot/vs/thick/line/color=blue/symbol=2/size=0.5/ov {4,6,6,4}, {4,4,6,6}

Out of interest I tried this with older versions, and it is not new; it goes back at least to classic-Ferret version v7.2, released in 2017.

It happens as well with plots that aren't PLOT/VS plots. The second command below behaves in the same way. It draws the line but not the symbol.

plot/vlimits=0:10/hlim=0:5/thick/line/color=black/symbol/size=0.5/vlimits=0:10/hlim=0:5  {1,1,9,9}
plot/thick/line/color=red/symbol/size=0.5/ov {2,2,8,8}  

In general, drawing a series of lines with /OVERLAY cycles through line colors if no symbols are used. If the set of plot commands have /SYMBOL but do not have /LINE (and if no symbol number or name is given), then they cycle through the different symbols. Combining these two into PLOT/OVER/LINE/SYMBOL seems to be a case that was not explored in developing this.

This is fixed in the plot set-up routines. The issue can be closed.