bug in plots made with PLOT/STEP=CONNECTED

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I think this has been in the code for a long time. I can see it in classic-Ferret v7.6; it seems that PLOT/STEP and PLOT/STEP=CONNECTED are not heavily used.

! Define a synthetic variable
let var = {1,3,5,4,3,6,1}

set view ul
! A regular line plot is fine.
plot/line/sym=boxfill var

set view ur
! This is wrong - the x-axis is too short
plot/step=connected var

set view ll
! As an overlay, it works correctly
plot/line/sym=boxfill/siz=0.2 var
plot/step=connected/over var

When setting up to draw the step-style plot, the data is duplicated and the data sent to be plotted has a new independent axis with points between the original coordinates. It seems that the updated size of the list of data to plot is not sent to the plot routine

This is fixed in plot_set_up.F