pyferret.getdata does not reflect title attribute
PBrockmann opened this issue · 0 comments
PBrockmann commented
I have noticed that the dictionnary you get from pyferret.getdata does
not reflect actual attributes defined as title or long_name.
See this example:
yes? use levitus_climatology
yes? let var=temp[k=1]
yes? def att var.long_name = "my long name"
yes? def att var.title = "my title"
yes? show att/all var
attributes for user-defined variables
var.long_name = my long name
var.missing_value = -1.E+34
var.title = my title
yes? exit /topy
>>> vardict=pyferret.getdata("var")
>>> vardict['title']
'title' is always 'var' despite a correct setting of the attribute