plot/vs/over on a lon/lat plot interferes with longitude east/west labeling on subsequent plots

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Ryo Furue reports this on the Users List. The example -- note the horizontal axis isn't labeled as a longitude axis.

---- example.jnl ----
set mode grat:dash
set text/font=Courier

set data levitus_climatology
let allmissing = temp[k=1] + 0/0
cancel mode nodata_lab
fill/nolabel/noax allmissing

let/units=degrees_east xs = {110,190,210}
let ys/units=degrees_north  = {-50, 50, -10}

plot/vs/line/thick=2/ov xs,ys
!polygon/line/thick=2/ov xs,ys

go fland 20, , , , , , axes


I find that this only happens when using PLOT/VS/OVER to do the line plot. If it's not an overlay but is the first plot drawn, things are fine:

set mode grat:dash
set text/font=Courier

let/units=degrees_east xs = {110,190,210}
let/units=degrees_north ys = {-50, 50, -10}
plot/vs/noax/hlim=20:380/vlim=-90:90/line/thick=2 xs,ys

go fland 20, , , , , , axes

I'll try to take a look at this.

This can be fixed with updates to

which are currently in my fork at