
Should we support SRDF to set initial configuration of a robot?

jbmouret opened this issue · 2 comments

This a simple srdf for Talos:

<?xml version="1.0" ?>
<robot name="talos">
    <group_state name="pal_start" group="all">
        <joint name="reference" value="0. 0. 1.05 0. 0. 0.707 0.707" />
        <joint name="arm_left_1_joint" value="0.4" />
        <joint name="arm_left_2_joint" value="0.24" />
        <joint name="arm_left_3_joint" value="-0.6" />
        <joint name="arm_left_4_joint" value="-1.45" />
        <joint name="arm_left_5_joint" value="0" />
        <joint name="arm_left_6_joint" value="0" />
        <joint name="arm_left_7_joint" value="0" />
        <joint name="arm_right_1_joint" value="-0.4" />
        <joint name="arm_right_2_joint" value="-0.24" />
        <joint name="arm_right_3_joint" value="0.6" />
        <joint name="arm_right_4_joint" value="-1.45" />
        <joint name="arm_right_5_joint" value="0" />
        <joint name="arm_right_6_joint" value="0" />
        <joint name="arm_right_7_joint" value="0" />
        <joint name="head_1_joint" value="0" />
        <joint name="head_2_joint" value="0" />
        <joint name="leg_left_1_joint" value="0.0" />
        <joint name="leg_left_2_joint" value="0.0" />
        <joint name="leg_left_3_joint" value="-0.26" />
        <joint name="leg_left_4_joint" value="0.59" />
        <joint name="leg_left_5_joint" value="-0.33" />
        <joint name="leg_left_6_joint" value="-0.0" />
        <joint name="leg_right_1_joint" value="0.0" />
        <joint name="leg_right_2_joint" value="0.0" />
        <joint name="leg_right_3_joint" value="-0.26" />
        <joint name="leg_right_4_joint" value="0.59" />
        <joint name="leg_right_5_joint" value="-0.33" />
        <joint name="leg_right_6_joint" value="-0.0" />
        <joint name="torso_1_joint" value="0" />
        <joint name="torso_2_joint" value="0.05" />

This a simple srdf for Talos:

I am not sure. SRDF is specific to MoveIt and I haven't seen it to be widely used outside of ROS.

How is this going to make it easier than just specifying an initial configuration?

Also, it might be easy for what you are using for Talos, but if we support SRDF, then we should support it fully. And maybe other robots have other complicated issues, etc..

OK. Let's close this for now.