LoadChange Perturbation Not Changing System
ciaranrob opened this issue · 1 comments
When trying to introduce a load step into the system, the perturbation doesn't appear to be affecting anything.
The simulation runs without error but the results indicate that the perturbation wasn't applied.
Below is the code I ran using PSID v0.9.2
using PowerSimulationsDynamics
using Sundials
using Plots
using PowerSystems
const PSY = PowerSystems
include(joinpath(dirname(@FILE), "models/dynamic_test_data.jl"))
sys_dir = joinpath(dirname(@FILE), "models/ThreeBusMultiLoad.raw")
sys = System(sys_dir, runchecks = false)
set_units_base_system!(sys, "DEVICE_BASE")
function dyn_gen_marconato_tg(generator)
return PSY.DynamicGenerator(
name = get_name(generator),
ω_ref = 1.0, # ω_ref,
machine = machine_marconato(), #machine
shaft = shaft_no_damping(), #shaft
avr = avr_type2(), #avr
prime_mover = tg_type1(), #tg
pss = pss_none(),
for g in get_components(Generator, sys)
case_gen = dyn_gen_marconato_tg(g)
add_component!(sys, case_gen, g)
l_device = get_component(ElectricLoad, sys, "load1031")
l_change = LoadChange(1.0, l_device, :P_ref, 1.4)
path = (joinpath(pwd(), "outputLog"))
sim = Simulation!(ResidualModel, sys, path, (0.0, 5.0), l_change, all_lines_dynamic = true)
execute!(sim, Sundials.IDA())
results = read_results(sim)
apower = get_activepower_series(results, "generator-101-1")
plot(apower, ylim=[0.79, 0.83], label="SG1 Active Power")
freq = get_state_series(results, ("generator-101-1", :ω))
plot(freq, ylim=[0.99, 1.01], label="SG1 Frequency")
This issue doesn't reproduce in the current master of PSID. It seems that it could be a versioning problem, I will close unless @ciaranrob detects the same problem again and re-opens