"Total Nonvertical Length" is actually per section

Opened this issue · 1 comments

Per user feedback

Is AGS, True
Has Nonvertical Section, True
Multilaterals Cased, True
Well Geometry Configuration, 1, -- --U-loop (could be Eavor style)
Plant Lifetime, 40, -- -Years
Water Thermal Conductivity, 0.65
Total Nonvertical Length, 36000.0
Nonvertical Wellbore Diameter, 0.23495, -- ---m
Cylindrical Reservoir Radius of Effect Factor, 5.0
Closed Loop Calculation Start Year, 0.1
Number of Multilateral Sections, 6
Well Drilling Cost Correlation, 3, -- - [-] Use built-in well drilling cost correlation #3 = vertical open-hole, large diameter
Horizontal Well Drilling Cost Correlation, 1, -- - [-] Use built-in well drilling cost correlation #3 = vertical open-hole, large diameter
Reservoir Impedance, 1E-4, -- --assume a very low reservoir impedance since the working fluid is never in contact with the reservoir
Production Flow Rate per Well, 110, -- - [kg/s]
Injection Temperature, 60, -- ---C
Gradient 1, 26.25, -- -[deg.C/km]
Reservoir Depth, 4.0, -- --km
Cylindrical Reservoir Input Depth, 4.0, -- ---km
Cylindrical Reservoir Output Depth, 4.0, -- ----km
Cylindrical Reservoir Length, 10, -- --km
Reservoir Model, 0, -- -simple cylinder reservoir model
Number of Production Wells, 1, -- -[-]
Number of Injection Wells, 1, -- -[-]
Ramey Production Wellbore Model, 0, -- - Should be 0 (disable) or 1 (enable)
Production Wellbore Temperature Drop, 0, -- - [deg.C]
Maximum Temperature, 375, -- - [deg.C]
Reservoir Volume Option, 4, -- - Should be 1 2 3 or 4. See manual for details.
Reservoir Volume, 1e9, -- - [m3] (required for reservoir volume option 3 and 4
Reservoir Heat Capacity, 1050, -- - [J/kg/K]
End-Use Option, 1, -- - [-] Electricity
Power Plant Type, 1, -- - [1] Subcritical ORC
Circulation Pump Efficiency, 0.8, -- - [-]
Plant Outlet Pressure, 68.95
Economic Model, 3, -- - Should be 1 (FCR model) 2 (Standard LCOE/LCOH model) or 3 (Bicycle model).
Fraction of Investment in Bonds, 0.65, -- - [-] Required if Bicycle model is selected. See manual for details.
Inflated Bond Interest Rate, 0.07, -- - [-] Required if Bicycle model is selected. See manual for details.
Inflated Equity Interest Rate, 0.12, -- - [-] Required if Bicycle model is selected. See manual for details.
Inflation Rate, 0.025, -- - [-] Required if Bicycle model is selected. See manual for details.
Combined Income Tax Rate, 0.392, -- - [-] Required if Bicycle model is selected. See manual for details.
Gross Revenue Tax Rate, 0, -- - [-] Required if Bicycle model is selected. See manual for details.
Reservoir Stimulation Capital Cost, 0, -- - [M$/injection well] Reservoir stimulation capital cost per injection well
Print Output to Console, 1, -- - [-] Should be 0 (don't print results to console) or 1 (print results to console)

Expected to be addressed by pending SBT work (@malcolm-dsider)