Are there any ways to reduce memory usage when running turbine simulation (coupled with OpenFAST)?
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I am working on a large wind farm simulation (100 of IEA 15MW) which required a large flow domain. The number of cells is approximately 280 million, and I use the same mesh resolution for the precursor and wind farm simulation.
The precursor simulation could be simulated without any problem.
However, when shifting to the wind farm simulation using actuator disk model (lineToDiskGaussian3D), the memory usage increased continuously and, eventually, it run out of memory.
For instance, I plan to run the wind farm simulation for a period of 7200 seconds simulation time. But the job on HPC got killed due to out of memory at around 1800 seconds.
I tried reducing the number of output files in the turbineOutput dir to reduce fileIO such as those blade-point and tower-point outputs (commented out those lines in horizontalAxisWindTurbinesALMOpenFAST.C). But it didn't help much.
With the limited RAM on the HPC, I would like to ask if there are any ways to reduce the memory usage when running with OpenFAST coupling?
Thank you very much for your help.