
Tutorial1: warning during linescan

Closed this issue · 7 comments


I'm getting started on bifacial_radiance and, after completing the installation, I get the following issue during the linescan, after generating the oct file:


I have already checked that:

  • Radiance\bin is on my system variable PATH
  • rtrace.exe file is located on the Radiance\bin
  • is located on the Radiance\lib

Hi! Welcome and thanks for the question.
Can you try adding the lib folder to the path as well? That's where is located at

Hi, I have added the lib folder to the path, but I still get the same error.

which version of radiance, operating system do you have?

I'm using the latest official release, Radiance 5.3 (2020-09-03) on Windows 10.

do you have them as environment variables on Systems Variables or User Variables? (bottom vs top of the environment variables window)

I have them on System Variables.

If this hasn't been fixed so far, it should otherwise be taken care of by #533 when we finish that up.
If anyone else is seeing this error, the following should take care of it. (instructions for Windows machines)
Going to your system environmental variables (in System control panel > system > advanced > environment variables) , make sure that RAYPATH includes both the current directory ( "." ) and the \lib\ folder of RADIANCE
Something like:
Likewise, the PATH variable needs to include the RADIANCE binaries
PATH= <other stuff> ;C:\Radiance\bin; <other stuff>