NTDoom will not work on Windows 11 22H2

Opened this issue · 2 comments

Hello, I have been testing NTDoom on several virtual machines but for every PC/virtual machine I use that runs Windows 11 22H2, Windows will bugcheck as soon as the driver starts. This may be a compatibility issue. I hope this gets fixed! Thank you!

P.S. This only happens on Windows 11 22H2, on other versions it works fine!

NSG650 commented

Hello there!

Do you mind sending the crash dump files so that I can investigate?

Thanks in advance

Hello again, here is the crashdumpfrom the driver, you will have to rename it from .txt to .dmp as .dmp files aren't supported on github. Thanks for responding. Again, this only happens on Windows 11 22H2, I have tested this on several VMs (and my own PC) running Windows 11 22H2 and several \vms running earlier versions. All of them yield the same results.