
Bios for Chinese Contributors

mattt opened this issue · 6 comments


With the latest redesign of NSHipster, I added a large section at the bottom of each article to credit its translator. It would be great if each of you would fill out your personal details in this translators.yml file (in Chinese). Bio is Markdown-formatted, and supports links just like in GitHub. I can fill out the Gravatar URL once the bio is in place. (You can use this authors.yml file as an example).

Thanks again for your amazing work so far. I would be honored to have you recognized for it on the site.


Many thanks for your kindness, yep and got that~ I'll let everyone know about this and finish it asap.

FYI: "Greetings!" -> "大家好!" lol

"Ricky Tan":
name: "Ricky Tan"
email: ricky.tan.xin@gmail.com
url: http://rickytan.cn
bio: "Ricky TaniZJU iOS 版 3.1.3 以前版本及后台的开发者,另有浙大网址导航 iStudy Chrome 插件等。更多请移步:https://github.com/rickytan?tab=repositories"
gravatar: 71f0bbfbb3b0bc7e6e9aa2187814196a
github: rickytan
google: +rickytanx


name: "Wongzigii"
email: wongzigii@outlook.com
url: https://github.com/wongzigii
bio: ""
gravatar: 5ab6ffe19e7548b9dc3c4098b9df0a0b
github: wongzigii

@rickytan Thanks for submitting that. Feel free to write your bio in Chinese, since it'll be showing on NSHipster.cn.

Sorry for the super delay. And my info here:

"Croath Liu":
  name: Croath Liu
  email: Croath.Liu@gmail.com
  url: https://croath.com
  twitter: croath
  github: croath
  google: 108566152424457191834
  gravatar: 720e8ba099f10eca25dd87ef5afe4aa7
  bio: "云游四海的工程师"