Add chapter Basic Number Theory

Opened this issue · 4 comments

Binary Exponentiation

  • Integer version
  • Matrix version
  • Implementation
  • Examples

Sieve of Eratosthenes

  • Finding Prime Numbers
  • Implementation
  • Examples

Sieve of Euler

  • Yet Another Finding Prime Numbers
  • Implementation
  • Examples

Greatest Common Divisor

  • Properties
  • Bézout's identity
  • Extended Euclidean Algorithm
  • Implementation
  • Examples (e.g. Solving Linear Diophantine Equation)

Modular Arithmetic

  • Modular Inverse
  • Fermat's Little Theorem
  • Extended Euclidean algorithm
  • Finding the Modular Inverse for Array of Numbers Modulo any Positive Integer m
  • Implementation
  • Examples

Maybe spliting "Finding Prime Numbers" to two topics "Sieve of Eratosthenes" and "Sieve of Euler" is better?

Maybe spliting "Finding Prime Numbers" to two topics "Sieve of Eratosthenes" and "Sieve of Euler" is better?

Sounds a great idea, I'll revise it.

@TimmyChiang Are you still planning on adding this topic?

Sure, I'll finish it before the end of July.