- 7
- 0
Py_SetProgramName is deprecated
#186 opened by jschueller - 4
Binaries are no longer in the expected location in the resources directory structure
#219 opened by pamagister - 4
Raise error or warning, if pythonfmu/resources/binaries/linux64/ is missing
#129 opened by BenjaminRodenberg - 2
Bump version
#218 opened by StephenSmith25 - 1
- 3
Problem with initialization
#209 opened by MinsGoing - 1
pythonfmu support binary type
#207 opened by levanthanh3005 - 10
Darwin support
#116 opened by alfoa - 4
PythonFMU with NumPy
#152 opened by mariuszjaniakpl - 3
How to Declare Additional Sub-functions in pythonfmu Beyond '__init__' and 'do_step'?
#205 opened by hsd0937 - 8
- 1
Problem when simulate with Model.Connect
#206 opened by levanthanh3005 - 11
- 12
- 1
Element 'ModelVariables': Missing child element(s). Expected is ( ScalarVariable ).
#195 opened by till12mann - 0
Generating flexible FMU out of Python code with different variables, problem creating class before build
#200 opened by till12mann - 5
Error after generating FMU
#194 opened by levanthanh3005 - 2
pythonfmu-export problem in another system
#192 opened by levanthanh3005 - 1
ModelStructure/InitialUnknowns does not contain the expected set of variables. Expected {intOut} but was {}.
#193 opened by till12mann - 24
Binaries on PyPI only support Python 3.9
#128 opened by BenjaminRodenberg - 1
Provide simple example
#191 opened by weberscode - 2
Unable to run FMU in Dymola
#184 opened by sede-fa - 1
#182 opened by StephenSmith25 - 1
[Question] Model Exchange Support?
#179 opened by charelstoncrabb - 0
Fix 32bit initialize
#180 opened by havifloja - 0
- 7
Identical GUIDs when creating FMUs at the same time
#166 opened by mb-tt - 2
No demo for using machine learning in an FMU
#165 opened by msteinsto - 6
ImportError of a custom script
#169 opened by Daveonwave - 1
Wish: Support of Modelica 4.0
#161 opened by bertrandhaut - 0
FMU Check Error for SympySlave.fmu
#162 opened by igorsfsiqueira - 6
String output not working
#156 opened by Poulami-Sarkar - 1
Trouble using the `default_experiment`
#157 opened by charelstoncrabb - 2
FMUException with PyFMI
#155 opened by Antoine-C-Hubert - 7
- 2
fail to run example PythonSlave FMU in Linux
#115 opened by alfoa - 1
Code encryption
#151 opened by 2018-Summer - 2
Not passing FMUChecker: Could not load the DLL: The specified module could not be found
#150 opened by t3x4y - 1
Fmu model loading problem
#148 opened by 2018-Summer - 3
- 1
do_step(self, current_time, step_size)
#146 opened by 2018-Summer - 2
Input and output dynamic transformation
#145 opened by 2018-Summer - 7
Packing problem
#144 opened by 2018-Summer - 7
Problem with initialization of output
#133 opened by kosmylo - 4
Run PythonFMU from another folder
#134 opened by kosmylo - 9
#132 opened by kosmylo - 8
Not passing FMU Check
#131 opened by sunne - 0
Access violation for dlls loaded in constructor
#125 opened by markaren - 9
extracting values each time step in do_step
#122 opened by yamifm0f