
There were two away missions...

Opened this issue · 4 comments

Server: Artyom

Revision: Dunno. Played August 3rd.

Problem Description: There were two identical but distinctly separate away mission moons. I was alone on the moon with a hardsuited sec officer, figured everyone who was through before us had bugged off back to the station already, and I had to hack my way and open up the gateway. When I accidentally shot my way through the gateway, I found the moon was inhabited by the people that went before me and the sec officer, he wasn't there anymore (he never left the moon), and things that I took from the moon base were still there. This means there were two maps and it was possible to access both of them randomly in the same round.

The proof that it wasn't just me being gone for a split second while everyone changed things came mostly in duplicate resources that couldn't have just been replicated so easily by the people there.

What did you expect to happen: I didn't expect a parallel fucking universe.

What happened instead: There was a parallel fucking universe.

Why is this bad/What are the consequences: Well, it split up the group, it was confusing, and it could cause some issues with other things I imagine. Also, it means that there were a total of three suits of reactive teleport armor in this round (there's one in each moonbase as well as the one in the RD's office), and twice as many pointless mobs in the round.

Steps to reproduce the problem: I opened up the gateway, waited a long while, and then headed through.

Possibly related stuff (which gamemode was it? What were you doing at the time? Was anything else out of the ordinary happening?): It was extended, I've had similar problems to this (there was a bug ticket about crates disappearing, it could have been that they were appearing on the second moon?) It was a very long round at that point. We also two manned the alien queen, which isn't really an issue or a part of the bug but I enjoy masturbating to the memory so there you go.

Also, I forgot to mention that after leaving the first away mission map I was on (with me and the sec officer) I left the gateway there open, travelled back to the station, and I toggled the gateway on the station off and then on again. That could be important, but people were already on the second away mission I was on.

maybe it's somehow loading 2 maps up at the same time?

Did we ever have any issue like this with any other away missions?

The problem happened again in a new game. It seems directly related to my missing crates problem I posted a while back. Two full different worlds, two alien queens, two entirely similar places.