
Missing php-http/message-factory package

zpevma opened this issue · 1 comments

zpevma commented

Current install script relies that php-http/message-factory package package is installed as dependency for sentry/sentry (which is installed with sentry/sdk, specified explicitly in

su-exec apache php composer.phar --no-cache require --update-no-dev symfony/polyfill-php80:v1.18.1 sentry/sdk jakub-onderka/openid-connect-php:1.1.0 cakephp/cakephp:2.10.24 supervisorphp/supervisor guzzlehttp/guzzle php-http/message

The problem is that with new version of sentry 4.0.0 (released on 2023-11-06), php-http/message-factory package is no longer required as dependency. This results in broken workers/supervisor monitoring:

Error: Error getting supervisor status.
[LogicException] You cannot use "Http\Message\MessageFactory\GuzzleMessageFactory" as the "php-http/message-factory" package is not installed. Try running "composer require php-http/message-factory". Note that this package is deprecated, use "psr/http-factory" instead

Possible solutions:

  1. specify sentry/sdk version <4.0.0.
  2. install php-http/message-factory package explicitly
zpevma commented

Thanks for the fix @ondj :)