
Wordpress plugin

Closed this issue · 2 comments

Hi guys. I have written a basic Wordpress plugin for SoundCite.

You can find it here:

It uses a TinyMCE dialog to first resolve the public soundcloud url to a track id, and then embeds it as a shortcode. The shortcode is then converted back to the necessary markup to make soundcite work.

This is my first public git repo, and my first public wordpress plugin (I've written many that we use internally), so please let me know if any issues/bugs or anything I can do to improve it.

@wfsmith This looks good! Could use a config panel for setting the API key, and probably worth hooking into the wp_kses_allowed_html filter to prevent #28 from being an issue with lesser-privileged users. I haven't tested it yet, but might do so in a bit.

I appreciate efforts here from @wfsmith. Would like, however, to get this out of our issues list. @JoeGermuska can you clarify why this is marked as enhancement? What is the task here?