A few scripts to aid in processing InSAR data with GMTSAR, as well as post-processing SBAS analysis

Primary LanguagePython


Scripts to aid in processing InSAR data with GMTSAR, as well as pos-processing SBAS analysis in Matlab
ers_rename_raw_data.sh: this shell script renames ERS C-band images downloaded from https://scihub.copernicus.eu/dhus/#/home to a format GMTSAR can use
sbas_list.py: makes a list of interferogram pairs based on a user-defined temporal and spatial baseline
snaphu_dec.csh: modified shell script from GMTSAR code. This unwraps interferograms after multi-looking them to speed up the process.
unwrap_igrams.sh: this runs snaphu_dec.csh for each interferogram pair.
tm.py: makes a file called 'tm.out' which is used for SBAS modeling
sbas_funs.py: functions for running SBAS based on Berardino et al., 2002; Sansosti et al., 2010. Creates a time series of deformation from a stack of interferogram pairs.