
Compatibility with message_filters

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Is nitros compatible with the message_filters package - in particular the TimeSynchronizers?
So if for example for stereo matching I want two images synchronized and bound to a callback like this:

void combined_cb(const nvidia::isaac_ros::nitros::NitrosImageView & left_img_view, const nvidia::isaac_ros::nitros::NitrosImageView & right_img_view);

using this policy:
typedef message_filters::sync_policies::ApproximateTime<sensor_msgs::msg::Image, sensor_msgs::msg::Image> policy;

how would I do this? I have tried a couple of things, but haven't archieved it so far.

I would appreciate any advice.

Isaac ROS Managed NITROS isn't currently compatible with the message_filters package. We're looking into how we could add support for your use case, and we'll update here when that functionality is available.

For now, you might need to synchronize using the standard sensor_msgs/Image messages, and then leverage CUDA with NITROS after the synchronization step.